Chapter 19

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Noah dropped me directly at my tuition classes at three. I had my school bag so I had my books too.

I waved him good bye and thanked him for such a wonderful day.

He was sad at me leaving so soon and wanted to hangout more,I wanted to hangout too but I cant take leave at the tuition. Or else it will load the students.

After thousands of please and hundreds of pouts, he understood that I wasn't buying it so he dropped me. At one point I nearly agreed but then again I couldn't take leave.

After tuition classes I walked home.
Did chores and went to study.

It's 7am now. My mother will be home at 8. Emma must be home.

I made dinner, ate and went to bed.


It's Friday today.

Last working day of the week.

Tomorrow will be my mother's holiday and I will be locked in here, listening to her telling me about how worthless I am.

I got ready and walked out of my door. I saw Noah's car there.

No matter what I wont take leave today. Not at all! Come on you enjoyed yesterday. Yes I did but getting good grades is my way to show my worthness. Even though no one cares but it's my way to feel better.

 Even though no one cares but it's my way to feel better

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I forgot to show Noah's car in the 17th chapter so here it is)

"Noah... What are you doing here?" I asked walking towards him.

"I came to pick you up for school." He smiled.


"I wont make you take leave today, I promise."

" But Noah you dont hv to....."

" Tessa dont mention that....and your house is in the way to school anyways." He assured.

"Ok." I hopped on the car and we went to school.

He parked the car in the school parking lot and I asked him if it's allowed. He just shrugged and said "I don't know."

"But what if they scold us."

" And why would they?"

" Coz it's against the rules."

"I hv not been the one to follow the rules anyways." He said winking playfully and I rolled my eyes and told him that he looks like a monkey doing that. Even though he does not. You know he looks damn gorgeous doing that. No he does not, dont Exaggerate.

We walked to school and as we entered the class some students were already there. They looked at us and started whispering. I looked over at Becky and Rosie my friends.

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