Chapter 30

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After Noah dropped me home, I went to bed.

I dont know why but I cant get the thought of 'Noah sleeping with Chloe' out of my head..

Maybe.. I have started hating Chloe.. but I am not a person who hates anyone.

No matter how bitchy anyone is with me, I just cant get myself to hate them..

Then why Chloe?

My thoughts were interrupted my a knock on my door. I checked the clock to look at the time.. it's 11.


I was overthinking about this shit from the past 3 hours..

But who is at the door this late?

Is it a axe murderer?

Shit.. what if he kill me?

It would be nice of him..

But my mother will kill me if anything is stolen from this house.. she already thinks I m a thief.

But if he kills me than how will mother kill me again?

I shook my head to send back the stupid thoughts.

I picked up an umbrella that was placed in a basket near the door and took a deep breath.

Slowly walking towards the door.

"W-who's that?" I asked.

"It's us." Two girls shouted.

Becky and Rosie?

I opened the door and they hugged me as if we have never met before.

Why so much affection?

Somethings fishy..

"We don't have any assignments what do y-" they cut me off.

"Oh come on, we aren't always here for assignments.. you are our bestie afterall." Becky said.

"Yeah,we are here to invite you to a party..let's go!!" Rosie squealed.

"Party? On a Monday night?" I snorted. "I would rather be in bed... We have school tomorrow." I said.

"No it's holiday tomorrow.. didn't you see the school group." Rosie said, removing her phone and showing me our schools WhatsApp group.

Yeah right.. I dont have a freaking phone!

I really need one I guess.. coz I have went to school on holidays a lot of times and teachers send important works on the group.

But my mother won't buy me one. I think I should use the money I saved.

"Yeah but still.. I wont go to a party.. I.. dont want to." I shook my head.

"Oh come on grl, live a little." Becky groaned.

I cant go.. I.. Dont want to

"And we haven't hung out so it will be nice if our trio will go to a party.... Pretty please." Rosie and Becky insisted, joining their hands.

Should I go? Yeah.. they are my only friends so I should go but where is the party? And what if they got drunk? Who will drop me back?

"Ok but promise that you guys will drop me back!" I sternly argued.

They thought a little bit then nodded.

"Now let's make you look sexy!!" They squealed, and dragged me to their room.

"I dont have anything to wear for a party." I said.

They said."let's try to find something."

They searched for a bit and they finally found something.

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