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"I Am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst." (John 6:35)

I trembled in fear, for this voice I knew. Yet I did not know. One I had heard many times before, but never recognised.

For it was a voice which possessed such authority and supremacy. I wept bitterly as my knees trembled in the familiar dark abyss.

The ground began to shake, and a sudden desperate fear gripped my soul.

I tried to swallow the thick lump in my parched throat while a familiar noise cascaded off in the distance.

Agonising screams resonated throughout the atmosphere; an intense, overwhelming sense of dread swallowed me whole and filled my mind with terrifying thoughts.

My stomach clenched as I recognised the overlapping turn of events: I had heard these voices before and had hoped to never hear them again.

Their souls cried out to me in pain, regret and anguish. My heart tore with a sudden wave of compassion and sorrow. Such sorrow I could not bear, nor could I understand.

It was heavy. My soul, mind and body was all heavy.

Suddenly, a thick and suffocating cloud of smoke and flames filled the great deep and covered the sovereign empire of Grakos.

In the centre was a lake of fire, swirling around in smoke and dust. Shadows mockingly danced across the place imitating murderous creatures. An act of torment, followed by manic laughter.

A never-ending train rattled past me full of people locked in cages. Arms flew out the bars and gripped onto the thick air. No matter how hard they tore their way through, rest and rescue was not found.

"They do what they do not know, only because they do not know the Truth.

How long can my people bear this kind of torment?"

"HELP US! HELP US!" A man drenched in a black thick substance gripped onto my arm. His touch painful to the flesh and piercing to the soul.

Suddenly I was convulsed forward and carried away with the train.

I was forced to witness their sorrows face to face as others both great and small clenched onto my once white satin robe, now tainted with blood and ashes.

Their flesh told tales of torture as wound marks were scattered across their skin. What was once shades of brown or cream was now flesh that was charcoal and shrivelled.

"I can't!" I tried to get their grip off me. "I CAN'T!" Why couldn't they understand?! I was as helpless as they were.

"YOU'RE MEANT TO HELP US!" A little girl pleaded and my heart constricted heavily.

"I don't know how," I whispered and vigorously shook my head. "If only I knew how!"

The girl lamented, and the people finally let me go. Despair, grief, and deep sorrow heavy on their souls.

If only I knew how, I could have done something. ANYTHING, then just to simply watch.

I fell backwards as I witnessed a great death. Regret coursing through my veins as each cage flew into the lake of fire to burn whilst they were still alive.

If I had thought that the previous screams were petrifying. This one was horrific.

The pungent smell of burnt flesh hit my nostrils as smoke gathered everywhere and I was beyond nauseous.

This kind of death was one I feared most. A death I wouldn't even wish on my worst enemy.

Suddenly a thick wave of smoke hit me, and ice coated my flesh. A blinding light ran across my sight before I returned yet again into darkness.

"Have I not ordained? So why then do you fear, for I Am with you? My Will be done."

Suddenly a thick blanket of light saturated the countenance of a man dressed in light. Such light I had never seen in my life.

He looked towards the sky and I followed his gaze. I was left astonished.

In the midst of the moon lit sky, amongst the scattered stars, was a map dressed in pure gold.

Right in the centre of the map was a 3 stone, white gold ring. Precious diamonds studded the band as the centre emerald green diamond rested in between two outer white diamond stones.

The rare jewel reflected rays like the hues of the morning sun and green pastures.

The man led me up a set of translucent stairs as the winds rushed from within. A new kind of breath was breathed into my spirit, I was refreshed from within and my soul revived.

"This is what you were born for, live for and will die for."

The closer I got to the ring, the brighter it got. Suddenly a silhouette reflected inside the ring as though it were a mirror.

"Shephard my sheep."

A young lady appeared with millions of people behind her. She was clothed in a majestic white ball gown. A magnificent crown rested against her head. Her countenance was void of focus as though a cloth blotted out her features.

My heart raced as she began to turn towards me. Anticipation struck my heart as I could hear the blood rushing through my veins.

My heart warmed and something entered my soul.

Many times and many dreams I had waited upon this moment.

Slowly and softly, her features began to appear, revealing a delicate and striking appearance.

Dark and golden, her eyes were a sea of ignited, unprovoked lava. Such as this kind of beauty, I had never seen or dreamt of before.

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