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John-David was sipping on a white mug full of hot liquid. In front of him rested two other mugs with steam seeping out of their mouths. "Take a seat, I have been waiting for you both."

I sat in the chair in front of him, while Gabriel sat in the one on my left. I neither looked nor touched any one of the cups, being familiar with the threats of poison.

"The Gold one is yours Dakota. Take a sip, it may surprise you of what good is in it. As for you Gabriel, the Blue one is yours. Indulge yourself, you'll be surprised at what you're missing out on." John-David took another sip and sighed.

Gabriel touched the handle of the crystal blue, glass cup. Inside was a substance that was dark milky brown. He smelt it before he gingerly took a sip of its contents.

Was it a terrible thing for me to see whether he would present any side effects before I took a sip of my own? After all, I was the King of a nation and had to take every precautions.

As I realised my brother was still alive, I therefore touched the handle of my own crystal golden, glass cup.

I drew it near to me but sipped nothing of its contents. I analysed the surface of the substance and noted that it was not quite the same shade as Gabriel's one.

It had foam on top with brown specks, like dust. I peered at Gabriel and saw that he was enjoying his own cup.

"How did you know? Hot chocolate is my favourite!" My brother stood up as he finished the contents.

"What is inside of mine?" I asked him because I only drank one kind of hot beverage.

"Caramel Cappuccino. I know you fancy this kind of delicacy." He drank his own cup, so at last I took a small sip of my own. I kept my eyes open to let him know that I didn't entirely trust him.

The beverage was a smooth and preciously delicate substance, so thought driven and intensely satisfying. I had never had something that tasted so good and so genuine.

I wanted to smile but I also didn't want him to know how much I enjoyed it. Despite this, I had a feeling that he knew. Why? Because he gave me this knowing look.

Blushing, I arose from my seat. John-David sighed yet again as though something was sincerely troubling him. His countenance changed and he now appeared to be deeply distressed.

"I asked the Father, if He was willing, to remove this cup of suffering from us; yet not our will, but His be done." (‭‭Luke‬ ‭22:42‬ ‭AMP‬‬) John-David grimaced as he rose from his seat.

Like honey to the mouth and lemon to the stomach, the substance instantaneously became coldly bitter.

I looked at the man named John-David. He rose from his seat as a firm and harsh feature licked his face.

My stomach painfully contracted and I felt like vomiting. Did this man poison me?! Did the mysterious man lead me to my death? Is John-David finally avenging his brother like he once questioned me of?

All these questions circulated throughout my startled heart.

I gasped for air as a horrified feeling drenched my soul. Like road kill, my brother plummeted to the ground as though he was dead. I ran to him so that we could escape from here together.

However, before I could reach him I heard something shatter and a loud thud reverberated throughout the room. It was then, I realised that it was me who had fallen to the ground in disarray.‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬




I yet again heard music playing and I awoke from my slumber. I was questioning myself many questions as my head pounded.

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