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Pritchard shot to his feet and with a raised voice, said: "Admiral, how can you say that you are responsible for these deaths. With respect, Sir... That is a load of rubbish. The enemy was simply too powerful."

Matt waved Steve to sit down and shared a look with each member of the EIGHT and said: "Now listen, all of you. The statistical facts are in front of you. Steve, you know that win or lose; the responsibility is mine. Yes, we won the battle, but the enemy ships are returning to their previous positions just inside the Oort cloud."

"The threat to our survival is genuine and imminent. More than ever, we are in a state of war and the additional downside is the fact that the enemy knows that we also received a thrashing. They know they would have won if it weren't for SP1."

"The bottom line is that most of the Destroyers were lost because they exhausted their available power protecting themselves against shockwaves generated from our own detonating missiles. We all know that it was human weapons that destroyed most of our ships."

"Almost four hundred destroyers, thirty Battlecruisers and more than three thousand highly trained and invaluable personnel are dead because of decisions I made. I'm amazed that Shadow and Shangri-La made it through unscathed. More so because you were almost inside the enemy sphere of defence."

"At the very least, this will provide political ammunition for our domestic enemies. Those Councillors will use the losses as the argument that can turn favour against us. The undeniable truth is this. I can make all the excuses in the universe, but it doesn't change the numbers."

Matt hesitated and then said "What troubles me most is that the escape pod count was higher than the number of survivors. Two hundred and twenty-three additional escape pods were launched without crew on-board. They were dumped into the Black Hole as part of SP1's clean up. There is no feasible explanation for them being ejected into space without crew present to initiate the ejection. Does anyone have a clue?"

Calemon noted that Matt looked hard into every face except SP1... Then she thought: "What are you two up too? I wonder if the SP1 ship will disappear for a while when we get back to Lunar orbit. It will be easy for SP1's ship-self to slip away when everyone sees its avatars every hour of the day."

After some contemplation, she thought: "I bet SP1 goes to Earth on our return. Unfortunately, I will have no way of confirming its whereabouts. What could it be?"

The 'Storm' SP said: "SP1 and I agree that this is a perfect opportunity for Matts domestic enemy's and their backers to have Matt removed as Admiral of the fleet. We have a fight at our backs as well as the enemy at our front."

Storm was furious that aliens are attacking humankind and at the same time, members of our own species are trying to bring the EIGHT down. She said: "This treatment is appalling, and I think this could come to a System-wide vote on the Admiral's value to continue in his role. I think should simply refuse to show deference or submission to council rule in this time of war."

Matt nodded and said: "Storm is right. I will not heed a 'no confidence' vote in the council. I have already informed the Council that I will see this through until the immediate threat is removed. I will not allow myself to be removed from my post unless my military peers deem me unworthy."

Matt focussed of several of his colleague's faces and added: "Facts aside, our doubters will never get a better opportunity between now and when we arrive, to stir up trouble in the colony."

Storm interrupted, announcing: "Admiral, speaking of the devil, I have received an incoming communiqué. It is a directive from the council. You are ordered to assemble the remnants of the lunar fleet and return immediately to lunar orbit where you will hand over full control of the Eden ship, and the lunar fleet, upon your arrival, the fleet is to enter orbit and all ranks from the Admiral to Commander level are to stand down, then return to the colony pending an investigation."

The Eden War - Book 3 of Re-ForgeWhere stories live. Discover now