AI and BIO?

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Calemon asked: "SP2, kindly let Matt and Sharon know I have arrived, please. I am here, by invitation.

The ship didn't answer immediately. Instead, an SP2 avatar flashed across the Ship's Bridge to the airlock to hover there until the inner airlock door opened and then it said: "Welcome Administrator Calemon. It is always a pleasure to have you on board. The Admiral and Captain have been waiting for you. I will announce you at once. Kindly follow me."

Calemon thought: "Such odd behaviour from an SP. It's like SP2 wants to interact with everyone through its avatars as if it was restricted to one body and not just the ship. It proves that SPs are individuals."

Matt greeted Calemon and said: "Please come in. The Eden Avatar still won't open the door, even for Sharon. SP1 advised me earlier that you may be able to get her to come out. It's been two days now, and we are distraught. I think she has had a bit of a shock and is embarrassed."

Calemon said: "Tell me what you know, Matt."

Then Sharon came out of the main bedroom and embraced Calemon quietly then sat on the lounge beside Matt to listen to the discussion.

Matt said: "All I know is what SP1 told me." Matt repeated his conversation with SP1, to Calemon, being sure not to miss anything. Then he added: "Sharon and I have tried for two days to coax her out to talk to us, but we failed, so we called you."

Calemon said: "I think I know what the Eden Creation's trauma is, Matt. Just to be sure, I've had a chat about this with Eden and even though Eden is having a three-day rest before she must learn to control her new power core. She still can't allow herself to be distracted by the Eden Avatar and Hymie."

"Eden told me that she made the Eden avatar to be incredibly special indeed. There has never been anything like her ever. She said that when she was making her, Eden felt like the Nanites knew what Eden wanted for this avatar but took over and created a being way beyond anything the Eden ship could aspire to. The Avatar has a brain far more capable than the smartest human, Bio, or SP. I guess that means she is smarter than you, Matt." Matt rolled his eyes at the dig.

Calemon smiled and continued: "Eden also told me that the Eden Avatar is easily capable of dealing with any issue alone, but she said the Eden Avatar is most likely frightened, and that fright is numbing her ability to process."

"Remember, she is a brilliant child, and she has been severed from her, Mother. Eden avatar has just found out that she is breaking all the barriers by loving or lusting after a Bio-human. Of course, she's in turmoil. She does not understand the how or why of it."

"The Eden avatar cannot rely on the Eden Ship as a safety net. It sounds odd, but even though she is durable, our Eden avatar has a 'somewhat' real female body."

Sharon asked with amazement in her voice: "What? Are you saying that Eden is a fully functional female? Is that even possible?"

Calemon answered: "Yes, Sharon that is exactly what I'm saying. I told you that the Nanites took over the creation of the Eden avatar. They took the Avatar's creation away from the Eden SP's control. That avatar in the room is some type of super-hybrid. The best of BIO and SP. She is new to having hormones, and now that her subconscious desire has become conscious, her hormones are in the driving seat. I totally understand her embarrassment."

"More importantly, she needs assurance that she has not lost respect. That people don't think less of her because her peers saw she had a vulnerable moment and realised she has a weakness. Let's face it. She was created as a Warship. Look at how she has fortified Eden. The specifications are deadly to any attacker."

Calemon saw that the facts were still clouded for Matt and Sharon. She said: "Let's put it another way. Eden has had her memories for more than a hundred years. For the last fifty years, her unconscious mind has seen Hymie for the real man that he is. Her crush is on a hero, and Hymie has been one for more than four hundred years now. He is the brain behind the Steve and Hymie duo."

The Eden War - Book 3 of Re-ForgeWhere stories live. Discover now