Challenge Arena

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Over the next weeks, Eden's sports arena was bathed in enemy blood as thousands of family champions contested the right to be the legal owners of Eden. They fought to the death in bloody teeth and claw challenges to the death. The Arena floor was split into fifty fighting pens and in front of bloodthirsty spectators, with everything to gain and nothing to lose. They fought to the death, with the winner of each fight moving onto the next level. The losers of each contest became the main course for the evening's meal for spectators and challengers. The process repeated day after day.

Adara and Eden were not aware at that time that the contest really was, 'winner take all.' The winner not only won Eden herself but also won the seat as Sector Leader. The final winner or last reptile warrior standing would earn the right to challenge the Sector Leader.

Each day before the games, The Sector leader had Adara bought before him to demand that the sleeping humans be released to him as per the agreement. Each day Adara said 'no' to his request, stating that their contract did not stipulate a time for the transfer of humans. She told him that she would part with them only after the victor was decided.

After a few days of repeated demands, they attacked her new reptile friends' apartments but discovered that the solid walls and entrances were more than a match for them. They failed to use them against her as leverage. In the end, The Sector leader told her that he wanted the humans for his family to eat now because there was a remote chance, that the Sector leader could lose the contest, and if that happened, he would also lose his place as Sector Leader and his life.

He looked at her and said: "If I am replaced, the agreement that is due in two weeks will be invalid. Our agreement did not include the possibility of succession." He hissed with pleasure as he perceived Adara's facial expressions meant she was uncomfortable. He continued, saying: "My point is, if I die out there, the champion will take my place. The Eternal Ship will go to that family. They will eat you, your four pets and your human sleepers... when and if they can find them."

"Young human, I admire your spirit, but my patience ran out periods ago. Hand over the human food, or it is you who will be on the menu by the end of this period. If I'm dead, and My family do not take possession of Eden, do you think I care about any codes, the eternal ship, your healing power, or any of it?" He hunkered down to her size as he stepped close to her, so he could be level with her eyes.

Then he said quietly to her: "I tasted your blood. It tasted hot and sweet to my palette... like, liquid heaven. I have tasted many things in my life, but nothing tasted as nice as you. I could even taste the unique power in your blood."

Adara was getting good at reading reptile moods and conviction. She scanned the leader and saw he was not bluffing and to reinforce that realisation. Twenty of his elite guards entered his temporary throne room and surrounded Adara, pointing their spears at her.

Eden felt Adara's power levels increase from her Nanite interactions and her rapidly growing electromagnetic field strength and knew that if she did not intervene now, then Adara, in a fit of anger would kill all the enemy inside Eden. Adara losing control at this point must never happen. The broader strategy must be given a chance to play out. The future depended on it.

Eden's voice resonated from the walls as she said: "Mistress, the sleepers have been prepared as you requested. They are alive, but I have rendered them brain dead, and I have removed their heads before delivery. The sleepers will be unaware of events. It is the only way to stop the explosive devices in their heads from detonating."

"The Enemy knows that all human-made technical devices detonate if they are removed from Eden, captured by the enemy, scanned or an attempt is made to remove them. They will explode with enough explosive force to obliterate a starship. Therefore, the heads of the sleepers had to be removed and disposed of by my systems if the invaders wish to remain alive.

The Eden War - Book 3 of Re-ForgeWhere stories live. Discover now