Attack Wave Two

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Slightly less than three months after the Lunar SP met with the Lunar council, the enemy reached some critical point or number of invaders, they considered enough to attack and overwhelm their prey. Matt and the NINE accepted Eden's request to stand back and let the SP's handle this war.

Before Matt went into hiding, He wanted to give Eden some last-minute advice, so he said to the room: "Before I leave you alone, Eden, I want you to be prepared for the unexpected. Do not assume that the enemy is inflexible, as Calemon suggested. They may be creatures of habit, but it may only seem like that because they have had no serious opposition until now."

Matt said: "Assume they are up to something while they wait for back up, so, you should take nothing for granted. Just don't forget to ask yourself, 'what would you do in the situation that the enemy is in?' Eden, you must think like them and find their weakness, then slam them with that weakness until they run."

Eden replied: "I have been watching and learning how you operate for more than a century, Admiral. Our SPs will make you proud. I understand that the enemy will be searching for solutions to help them win with less wastage of resources. They will want to add value to their attack capability and defensive ability, just like us."

Then Eden said: "From the human perspective, numbers are no longer a critical factor because this conflict stopped being a war of attrition long ago. The enemy surrounding us has grown to more than fifty thousand motherships. This conflict or hunt, has lasted untold aeons, and has always been purely, a survival versus annihilation scenario."

Matt bowed and said: "You are right, I will follow the others but know that my heart and thoughts are with you and the SP's during this struggle." Eden watched Matt leave the room, then turned her focus toward the enemy.

Two weeks earlier, the enemy began cautiously closing the net by moving into the 'outer system' toward Neptune orbit. It was at that time the human battle strategy was implemented. Eden knew the enemy must have completed whatever they were working on, but they stopped their advance just inside Neptune's orbital with the sun at the centre of the shrinking sphere. Those closer to Jupiter remained in that position, while those further away continued their slow approach.

It was now obvious to Eden that the Alien attack strategy had evolved or adapted, judging by the way they approached with caution, and that meant that any previous plan was now irrelevant. But Eden was able to calculate and predict enemy movements to speculate the reasons for it using flowing probability calculations. As a result, the immediate enemy attack strategy was still reasonably predictable.

Simply put, the enemy would ensure all their ships arrived within striking distance of Jupiter at the same time. The sphere of invaders began to tighten, with Jupiter becoming the centre of the sphere.

Eden thought: "That is both good and bad. Good, because earth would become 'outside' the enemy sphere of attack, and one hole part of their encompassing sphere would have thousands of Neutromatter missiles, loaded onto torpedoes, to their rear. But that scenario would not work out in our favour."

"Bad, because many missiles will now detonate inside or near the Greeks, Trojans, and Main Asteroid Belt. That means that detonation shockwaves will result in the Inner System being trashed by careening asteroids and planetoids. Waiting for that to happen could endanger Lunar."

Eden ran a second round of calculations and thought: "Before the enemy commit to their next attack run, they will be in a perfect sphere around Eden and the eleven Graviton Battleships. I can't let that happen."

Eden was sure that the enemies master strategy was still to overwhelm, using brute force by attacking en masse, but it was now evident that the enemy had begun fighting with its brain. Matt was right and Eden realised that this small change in the enemy battle strategy was designed to apply psychological pressure.

The Eden War - Book 3 of Re-ForgeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora