Who is fooling Whom?

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The Lunar SP Avatar walked into the Council Chambers on the right-hand side of David, who was the primary Administrator and Kim, who was the secondary Administrator. They were invited to discuss recent events.

The council chambers, herald standing at the door announced: "Members of the council, Introducing the honourable Administrators David and Kim Lunar, and the Lunar SP."

The entire council stood as the trio entered and sat in their designated seats of honour. Every council member knew and accepted the power shift. Each councillor was required to reapply for their position on council and affirm their role as an advisory council to the Administrators of Lunar.

Every council member looked to be no older than twenty-five years in the old scale of three scores and ten. That entire age concept was flawed and has now been abandoned since the aging process has been prolonged. Matt and the NINE fulfilled the promise made more than a century ago and the Lunar population were happy.

The Chairperson banged her gavel and said: "Councillors, the council will now hand the floor to the lunar SP and the Administrators."

The Lunar Avatar stood on its legs and bowed to the Council Chairperson and said: "Thank you for your warm welcome. I will speak instead of my colleagues, as we know that their training is still progressing, and they are not yet ready for this challenge." David and Kim stood, bowed, and reclaimed their seats.

Lunar said: "I would like to start this meeting by saying that there is a master strategy in place to deal with the enemy and the situation we face together. We know that there are two sides to the strategy. Obviously, Jupiter is the second part of the strategy from our standpoint. The Bio-human's and Graviton ships, at Jupiter have strategies. The SP council have strategies and the enemy have their plans as well. Nowadays, it seems that every team has ideas in place, and I'll tell you straight. Everything is in flux. I amend my strategy every hour or so as the colony construction proceeds."

"The administrators and I are adamant that this colony will survive the coming enemy onslaught, mainly because that onslaught will be focussed on Jupiter. Eden and the SP-controlled ships accompanying her will confront the enemy and hopefully be victorious. I know that Eden, Admiral Black and SP1 have a super strategy they've been developing for fifty years, but I am not involved in that part of the plan going forward."

"Our role here in the Lunar colony is to survive to see a future, regardless of victory or defeat at Jupiter. To that end, we must focus on maintaining zero outward signs of habitation. Our surface activity has been reduced to zero. All exits from the colony have been sealed, and all communications routes to the outside universe have been severed. We are isolated."

"Eden and her team, knowing that we are safe no matter what the outcome, can focus on keeping the enemy's attention on them, at least until we are ready to launch and fight."

"Last time I was in council; Councillor Edwards from farming sub-colony Delta asked me to explain about the Nanites from Eden. That was added to the minutes of that meeting as there was no time left in that meeting to explain. Today as part of this forum, I would like to discuss my 'limited' understanding of the ancient Nanotec."

"I thought long and hard about how to explain what I know and keep it within the meeting time limit. Teaching ancient Nanotec is potentially a big task as I don't know all the answers either. In the end, all I could do was admit that I have limited knowledge as well and explain it in terms that I understand without using mathematics."

"It's best I start with Eden. Eden journeyed through the Galaxy for longer than the ancient's recorded history. Their recorded history only goes back two hundred and eighty-two thousand years or so. The leader of Eden was called the Administrator. The Administrators were the elite and were responsible for the safety of Eden. The Administrator was the only person that could control or direct Eden to travel to specific destinations, fight, hide or run. None on board her new the science of 'how' Eden worked."

The Eden War - Book 3 of Re-ForgeWhere stories live. Discover now