Strategy Revealed

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Adara opened the door to the conference room and almost dropped 'B' Sharp. Standing, or floating in a large semi-circle were the NINE, the GRAV team and the SP Council.

'B' Sharp thought to Adara: "Put me out of harm's way before I get broken again."

Adara's eyes instantly filled with tears as she said to the group: "Hold on please, everyone, I have to secure 'B' Sharp, AKA, 'Humpty Dumpty' on the table, I almost dropped it, when I came in."

'B' Sharp sent its thoughts to Adara: "Adara, I get the reference, and how it's supposed to make light of this emotional situation, but I have to tell you that I do not possess a sense of humour. My name is 'B' Sharp. Please use it. I don't even look like an egg... Alright, I'll stay quiet now, you don't need to say it. Yes, this really is happening."

Adara stood at the table surrounded by her family, mothers, seniors, and loved ones, The GRAV team and SP1 and She was overwhelmed to see them all.

Sharon broke the ice and came to her for her first embrace and one by one, all bio-humans hugged her. Then it was Hymies turn, and he didn't want to let her go. She disengaged with him and then moved backward and said: "Hymie, we are going to have to fix your problem once and for all."

Steve snorted, and Adara said without looking at him: "Not that way, Steve, I'm not even the person Hymie is in love with. Hymie, don't worry, I have a plan to fix you as well."

Matt laughed and said: "Please... will everyone with legs, take a seat. Those of us that had to watch the whole invasion and were not able to contribute, are totally worn out from stress, and although we were safe and living in the finest seven-star accommodation in the universe, we're exhausted from worry."

"Remember Adara, I was in charge for more than a century, then suddenly had to face the fact that I was not the best person for this job. If I'm honest, it was hard to pass the baton and take a back seat."

Adara said: "Admiral, I have so many questions, but the main one is, how I was able to watch one of you get eaten feet first by the Gecko."

SP1 said: "Admiral, if I may?" Matt nodded, and SP1 continued: "Adara, we needed you to act naturally. From our side, it was all a grand power play. You started as a pawn and finished as the queen. But you need to understand our part in events so I will start where I need to."

"The Admiral was the first to suspect we were being observed and had our comms hacked early on. We just didn't know how it could happen. So, he devised a plan that used their eavesdropping against them."

"To make a Neutronium power source as big as the one we watched put inside Eden, would take probably all of Jupiter to manufacture. We had neither the time nor the resources. So, SP1 and the GRAV team made a 'hotel' for the NINE that looked like a massive Infinity Battery, and the GRAV Team stayed with me. It is where they belong for as long as they wish."

Adara observed the four GRAV team members get emotional and smile. 'B' Sharp sent into her mind: "They feel affection toward SP1 as well." Adara smiled at them as SP1 continued.

SP1 said: "Adara, you were never an Eden avatar. You are your own soul, in a fully functional female body. Sorry, Hymie." Hymie nodded and looked at his hands in his lap. Steve put a comforting hand on Hymie's shoulder, gave it a squeeze then removed it before it became awkward.

SP1 said: "We could only produce enough Neutronium in the short time we had to make just one power source, and we put it in you. Honestly, I'm still not certain we did the right thing squeezing that great big black hole into your tiny chest as it was originally meant to power something the size of Eden or bigger, but it worked."

The Eden War - Book 3 of Re-ForgeWhere stories live. Discover now