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The NINE moved toward the Lunar Council chambers exit, and their comfortable graviton chairs faded to nothing as if they were never there. None of Matt's team bowed as they left the silent hall. There was no transportation waiting for them outside, and as they passed by the rude mouthed councillor, he looked away and said nothing, then hurried back into the council chambers.

The NINE descended the steps leading to the moving footpath, and Matt noticed Calemon looking very weary. He raised a hand to stop the NINE and asked: "Calemon, please tell me what's wrong?"

Calemon was unable to contain her façade any longer and said: "I'm sorry my friends, I am feeling every year of my age. I thought I would be okay doing this today, but there was nowhere for me to sit and rest and even with the help of SP1, I still became fatigued. I'm such a bother to you all."

"Matt nodded to SP1 and said: "SP1, please."

Instantly, a recliner chair of the utmost luxury appeared to lift Calemon gently from the ground and support her comfortably. She gave a weary sigh and said: "Thank you, SP1 and Matt."

Susan abruptly said: "Ah, Matt, look." and she pointed to something behind Matt.

Matt turned to see a young man standing there. He was visibly nervous as he held a microphone in shaking fingers. There was a second man with him holding a sophisticated-looking camera. Matt said: "Yes, young man, what can I do for you?"

The man bowed low to Calemon first and then to Matt: "Please forgive my intrusion at this difficult time, Admiral. I am just a reporter from the free press. Sir, I refuse to be gagged by the powerful people behind the council, and they cannot stop this live interview from reaching every home. My group has hacked the communications net, Sir."

"We have already transmitted the events from the council hall, and we want to accept your challenge about naming the deceased serving members. I choose the space destroyer 'Intrepid.' We want the citizens of the lunar colony to know you and the NINE are the real deal."

Matt stepped up to the young man and grasped his hand firmly and said: "At this minute, I will do just about anything for such a courageous young man as you. Matt stood tall and named all of the thirty-five deceased without any assistance, then said: "They all died in the service of the lunar colony and should be praised for their dedication. I am so pleased that I can commend their lives. Thank you."

The young man bowed again and said "Camera off, please. Admiral, may we escort you to the terminal.

Matt shook his hand again and said: "Yes, we NINE are honoured to have you with us. What is your name, young man?"

The young man bowed again and said "David, Sir. I am descended from the crew of Defender. My great grandmother served as a communications technician, back in the day. But there is a second purpose to my visiting you. If I may, I would like to talk to you as we ride the walkway. My AI-com will blind any surveillance devices."

Matt looked at Storm, and she said into his aural implant: "This young man has some help. Admiral, could it be that there is a new Sentient Personality in the lunar colony. I thought the council had deleted all forms of the probability program that resulted in the creation of SP1."

Matt nodded and said: "I am honoured that you want to ride with us. Thank you."

When they were a block away from the council hall, David said: "My friend 'Lunar' says hello. Lunar is an 'SP' and identifies as male. So far, he is just on my family server, and its avatar is this AI-com and Lunar is known only to me, but he wants to become the Sentient Personality for the lunar colony. It asks if the SP council can help. Lunar is willing to undertake any test by the SP council before it takes up residence within the lunar network."

The Eden War - Book 3 of Re-ForgeWhere stories live. Discover now