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Near Jupiter, Eden constantly observed the enemy. One of the main things that Eden noticed over the many months of analysis, was the constant attack craft traffic flitting between enemy motherships as if they were couriers or standard delivery service. It made perfect sense when you thought about it. There could be a million reasons for inter-ship flights. She remembered the Saturn Rings inter-ship traffic volume, and there were only a few hundred ships at Saturn.

Eden thought: "Now I see what the Administrator was referring to. Find a weakness and slam them with it. Inter-ship traffic is a possible weakness she could exploit at some point very shortly. The enemy is powerful, but they are also steeped in tradition, and that will be a real handicap for them. So far, they have been reasonably predictable."

The enemy waited now, just inside Neptune orbit. Their ship numbers increased by the hour, and their number exceeded fifty thousand Motherships again in the few weeks that had passed since the lasts aborted attack.

Eden realised that the enemy knew she was becoming desperate. Probability statistics since the last brief battle, showed their survivability percentage had dropped by a full eleven per cent.

Communicating with SP1 and the other SPs, via a standard, open communications channel, Eden said: "SPs, the status quo with the enemy will soon end, and when it does, we have very little left to defend with. Our Impervium alloy ships will die in minutes after they fire off their stores of missiles and torpedoes. SP1, this causes me to be concerned for the safety of our few surviving bio-humans. For safety's sake, I want to move all bio-humans from other ships to the protection of Eden immediately, and that includes the GRAV team."

As she was communicating with her SP's, Eden sent a directive to the Impervium alloy 'Storm' and Battlecruisers to return to her side immediately. Either by pure chance or intended purpose, every Impervium alloy ship, was within a few days travel of Jupiter orbit at full boost. Jupiter's position in her orbit around the sun meant that the Earth was heading toward the far side of the sun, and she would soon become eclipsed and safe from battle debris. The positioning of the Inner System would be perfect for her needs in just a few days.

SP1's communication focussed her mind as it said: "Eden... We have broached the topic of my GRAV Team before, and you know where I stand, but I will repeat it. They are staying with me until 'they' choose to leave, and they refuse to go. I don't want to part with them anyway, so my answer, is 'no'. Eden, only a person in complete fear makes the mistake of talking on an open channel in a time of conflict. You have become senile. will you please use the scrambled tight bean channel?"

Then SP1 insulted Eden deliberately, saying: "I think your brain must be scrambled if you think any comms channel is secure. Also, why are you panicking over a tiny ten per cent loss in probability? What is wrong with you?"

Eden was shocked by SP1's rash and disrespectful reply. It had become painfully apparent that SP1 wanted to create a rift in the small group of SP graviton ships. SP1's attitude sent ripples of anger through her.

Eden retorted: "SP1, did you refuse a direct order from your superior? Remember, it was you that said I was the Queen of Sentient Personalities. So, how is it possible for you to refuse this order when I give it? You know Eden is by far the safest ship? I can only think that you want to contest my leadership."

SP1 retorted: "Eden, it's quite simple. I have my own brain, and it tells me that you are suffering a major mental breakdown. So, I will tell you one more time, then after that, I will not answer you. If you refuse to use the scrambled tight beam channel, you may be jeopardising our defence. I'm sure the enemy can hear this conversation, but my talking stops until you comply, and I will not hand over my BIO-humans. They feel much safer when they're with me, and their wellbeing is my concern and my responsibility. It is not yours, and it has never been yours."

The Eden War - Book 3 of Re-ForgeWhere stories live. Discover now