Attack Wave Three

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Eden watched the Graviton ships accelerating out of the system with awe. She understood that Graviton ships were fast and powerful but seeing them in action bought the reality of their power into perspective. With their mass reduction set to full, they were barely touching the throttle.

Eden thought: "That was the whole exciting point about having Graviton projectors producing 'multi-directional' thrust vectoring. Their ability to push in any direction is limited, only by the power they can draw. Ultimate power equals unlimited thrust. Woohoo... I can't wait to zoom out of here on full throttle. Speed of light, here we come. First things first, though, I must deal with my growing list of enemies. It looks like the bad boys are heading to Alfa Centauri. I'm not sure why they headed in that direction though. It's not a genuinely safe direction."

The Reptile commander that was captured on the Stony Corner colony station stood calmly beside the Eden's one of a kind 'incredibly special' creation. In the reptiles growling language, the Eden creation said: "Please stay beside me. You'll get used to it, as I have wonderful plans for you."

The reptile asked for permission to speak. It had learnt the painful way that attacking this week looking human was not wise, He found that alone, he was simply no match for this creature. He did not know what skill she had in her tiny frame, but she was able to use his joints against him and the pain she dished out was devastating.

This female said that she used some kind of 'inner strength,' but her muscle mass was just not visibly equal to her actual strength. He did not understand how it was possible for this creature, but she was able to easily manipulate his joints with her painful unarmed martial skills. It was 'painfully' obvious that she managed to use his own strength against him. Every time he attacked, she turned and twisted any number of ways to put him off balance, then wham.

He saw stars through the pain in his joints. He heard ligaments snap and muscles tear. He felt cartilage, and joint bones shatter, then she would repair him using healing technology that was far superior to the technology used by his own species, but she always waited until after he apologised before she would heal him. He knew she was attempting to train him, but she could not know that his head would explode if she asked him certain technical or strategic questions.

Eden nodded to him after telling him in his own language that the 'Eternal ship' had been abandoned by her support ships.

The reptile said: "In all of history, I have never heard of the Eternal ship being cornered, but it has finally happened, and this time, there is no escape for you. You now stand alone, and by now, there are thousands of my kindred ships surrounding us. Your shielding can not last long against so many concentrated antimatter beams."

Eden said: "Commander, it is much worse than that. There are more than fifty thousand motherships out there, and they are beginning their attack as we speak... all fifty thousand at once, can you believe it?"

replied: "You are a fascinating female, you should be terrified, and cowering, begging for me to save you or free you, but here you stand with unyielding confidence. I wish I had a female of my species with your skills as my mate. Our offspring would rule my species."

Eden said: "I tolerate you as you are now part of my larger strategic plan. Aren't you a lucky boy? It means you get to live longer than your relatives out there."

The Enemy snarled through its eight centimetres long, needle-sharp teeth and "I cannot even guess at your strategy, but I know that when you hand me over to my kind, I will be just like you. I will be food for them. They will take me back and cage me until it's time to feed, then I will be served and eaten alive. Better you kill me now. It will be a better ending for me." The reptile looked around him and said: "Where have all the humans gone?"

The Eden War - Book 3 of Re-ForgeWhere stories live. Discover now