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BANG, BANG, BANG, sounded the gavel as the chairperson bought the meeting to order. It was Council meeting time again in the lunar colony. The appropriate customs were followed by announcing that this was a closed session, and then a Councilwoman in the front row raised her hand.

The chairperson said: "The chair recognises the Councillor Williams from Administration cavern 'one.'

The Councilwoman bowed to all, and she said: "Greetings to all. Chair, I would like to address the Lunar SP and the Administrators." Then she focussed her attention on the Lunar avatar: "Lunar, the questions I ask are reflected in the minds of every citizen. Are we safe now? That was the priority question. So, are you finished our defences as you said you would? Can we stop living in fear, wondering if there will be a colony here for our children to wake up to in the morning? It has been more than three months and to be honest, as a mother, I am afraid."

Lunar stepped forward and said: "Councillor, I will spare everyone long rhetoric and simply say, yes, we are safe."

Lunar and the Administrators were happy to see the councillors visibly relax. They could go home and tell their families. Then he said: "The construction of the Lunar Mothership is right on schedule, and I am pleased to say that the time has come for me to step aside as leader and present your first Administrators, David, and Kim Lunar."

David and Kim are fully trained and will see to the needs of the council and the population. It is my role now to do their bidding if the directives they give me do not seriously jeopardise the safety of the colony, anything the council votes on is permissible as long as the risk is mitigated."

"However, you must know that the final word will rest with the Administrators and if we are on a 'war footing,' then the Administrators will declare Martial law and have full authority over the colony. As you know, we currently are on a war footing as we are surrounded by thousands of enemy motherships and although it is calm here, a great war is in progress in the SOL System as we speak. So, I officially step back now and give all the power available in me to the Administrators to control." Lunar SP bowed to the council and then to the Administrators and reclaimed its seat.

David stood and bowed to the Council. The council rose to their feet and returned the bow. David took the time to look at many faces. He knew this was a do or die moment for him, so he decided not to start by currying favour in the council. He was not here to be loved. he was here to fulfil a function. He stepped from his place of honour and strode confidently to the centre of the hall as he had seen more exceptional people do in the past.

David knew how he had felt as he watched those great leaders and knew that it was his goal to emulate their behaviour and show he was up to the mammoth task before him. He said "Lunar, please open this meeting to the entire colony population. David waited for a few minutes as tens of thousands joined the meeting. Then he said: "Greeting's citizens of Lunar." Kim joined David in the centre of the room and bowed.

David said: "Kim and I are your Administrators. We are here to serve and administrate this colony with the assistance and advice of the council and the Lunar SP. All of us are in symbiosis with the colony, and it will soon become our utopia. As of today, there will be no need for greed or ill-feeling toward others. All colony citizens will want for nothing in this new style of living. Lunar will provide everything we need to live comfortably even if we do nothing at all for anyone else. However, we will quickly become bored if we have no goals."

"It is now time for us to leave this part of the colony and move to the newly constructed, forward section. There, you will take up residence in your allotted accommodations. There, you can enjoy the many parks, gardens, oceans and rivers, observatories, gathering areas, schools shopping malls, fun parks, cinemas, and everything else you need or desire, and every basic thing is free to every citizen."

The Eden War - Book 3 of Re-ForgeWhere stories live. Discover now