The Ultimatum

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The new Sector Leader stood casually on his side of the challenge circle picking remaining parts of the previous Leader from his teeth with a very sharp claw, while he patiently waited for Adara to focus her attention on him. He perceived she was undergoing some inner trauma.

The Sector Leader thought: "She is a strange one. So... alien. She is standing in the middle of almost one hundred thousand of my people, and all of them want to eat her, including me. She must be mentally deficient, standing there without a care. Is she talking to herself, or to someone he can't, see? Hmmm, I'd say it's the latter. She must have some communications device, but where is the person she is talking to, and what does it mean for me? Ah, she is focussing on me."

Adara did not beat around the bush, she said: "Sector leader. If we fight today, you will die at my hand and then, every 'Family member' on the fifty thousand motherships surrounding us will also die ..."

She stopped when he held up a clawed hand. He corrected her: "It is now sixty-two thousand and growing. Thousands more will soon arrive. Everyone wants to be here for this pivotal historical event."

Adara said: "Thank you, Sector Leader, but the actual number is no longer important. With you permission, I will increase the volume of our conversation so all the Family representatives here today can hear our conversation."

The leader could not believe what he was doing, but for some reason, he wanted to know what made this odd little feast, tick. So, he nodded and then said: "I will grant that request before we fight." His amplified voice roared across the arena, and in seconds, the stadium became deathly silent. Then he said in a normal voice to the 'hand me down' Sector Leaders Aide, bring me two chairs and refreshments, it's hot, and we could use a drink before we fight."

The seats and refreshments arrived, and Adara drank a little water as it was the polite thing to do. Then she continued speaking in the reptile language, as if it were her own.

Adara said: "Sector leader, I will tell you how our 'actual' reality is, and not just how you perceive it. I will even show you evidence of your doom inside and outside this Eternal mothership. Then, if you decide that you still want to fight me. I will begin the total annihilation of your 'space going' species here today, beginning on the 'Eternal Ship,' then spreading out from this point to all your motherships. There is so much more to me than meets the eye."

Adara continued: "If it had been possible for any of you reptiles to see past your desire to eat me and possess the Eternal ship, then you may have seen it. Alas, it is now too late for your species. I warned the last sector leader several times, and he chose to ignore me. Thank you for the opportunity to explain it in words you can all understand."

The Adara spoke to the entire arena and her words echoed around the SOL System: She said: "Alien invaders, every single time you have attacked humanity in this system, the retaliation against you became worse. Yes, we lost a few ships that were old technology, but in the very first attack of this invasion, the cost for you was five hundred motherships. Leader, you have lost more than twenty thousand motherships so far, is that about, right?"

The sector leader said: "Yes."

Adara said in Terran: "Eden, its time." Then she pointed at the space above the arena and said: "look up, please everyone." The stadium became a sea of reptile faces with sharp, long deadly teeth looking up, waiting for something to happen. Then shear shock filled every upturned face as the air above the arena suddenly became filled with attack avatars as thousand deactivated their camouflage. The attack avatars generated lightning and the tiniest graviton wave to add theatrical impact to their appearance and the effect thrust the reptile audience back against their seats or tumbled them along the ground. Only Adara remained unaffected.

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