Trial and Error

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When Eden SP arrived back on Eden, she spoke with Calemon and said: "I know that thousands of lunar colonists cycled through the observation dome to see me in lunar orbit with their own eyes. There were thousands of open mouths and incredulous expressions when they beheld this glorious Eden, Calemon. They instantly understood once they could see me for themselves. They know that Lunar will end up the same and they are so excited."

Matt asked: "What about assistance for Lunar during the Nanite transition period. I know that it was touch and go on Eden for the first few months as you struggled to rewrite and integrate operational Nanite code?"

Eden said: "It's true, I did struggle, I almost failed more times than I want to admit, but the hard work paid off, and now each new colony SP will have the basic programs to start with."

"They can amend the basic program to suit requirements as they develop. I see a possible future where Colonies will grow and then split down the middle like dividing cells. However, unlike cells, new colonies will be fully self-reliant when SP1 finishes its labours in Jupiter's' atmosphere. We will not be a burden on the universe's resources once the Infinity battery is created."

Calemon said: "My life has become truly incredible from my viewpoint. I feel such a sense of achievement, that I wish my 'ancient' family were here to see this come about."

Matt said: "So do I, Calemon. I would love them to see what they have given us. However, it's time for a reality check. I agree that we have found unbelievable power if we can control it, but we still have more than twenty thousand mother ships out there, and we only have ten operational Graviton ships to fight them with. Oh, not forgetting Eden, who makes eleven.

Eden said: "Let's not forget that in the last six months, we've seeded the asteroid fields with thousands of Neutromatter missiles loaded onto much more potent, torpedos. The enemy can't possibly know about them as they are in stealth mode and giving off no power signatures. They are the perfect ambush weapons."

"Even we couldn't see them after they went into stealth mode, and it was us that made them. I'm confident that the enemy can't either? Those weapons will kill anything that doesn't have a human 'Information Friend or Foe' (IFF) AI on board."

Then Eden SP said: "We also have the Impervium alloy hulls flying around out there looking like prime targets to bait the enemy if they attack. I think we're safe enough now if we remain defensive and appear relatively unthreatening. The attack is coming though, I can see it bubbling up. It's the main reason that I want them to see the new me moving to Jupiter. Seeing us will bring them to us again and allow time lunar to transform. I still have redundant antimatter engines so I will use them one last time before I recycle them."

Sharon said: "I can only imagine what the enemy will think when they see the new Eden power up. I hope it might delay them further as they'll be confused again, and every delay gives us more time to prepare. When are we leaving for Jupiter, Calemon?"

Calemon looked at her AI-com, then said: "Ahh, about three hours now. You two had best get back to SP2. Admiral, I'm a bit worried about leaving the Lunar colony alone like this. Shouldn't we leave half our fleet here as surety against attack? It would seem the strategic thing to do in my mind."

Matt said: "No, they're safer than us if they stay here. The enemy will see us move from here as a total force and will target us at Jupiter again. One does not leave anything of value totally unguarded. They will not focus here. In their minds, we have come to the old dead planet to lick our wounds and re-gather our energy for the final fight to the death. Trust me when I say the colony is in far less danger than us."

Sharon said: "Come on, Calemon, stop worrying. When Matt says it's okay, it is generally okay for a reason he is withholding." She tapped the side of her nose, conspiratorially: "You know Matt is always ten steps ahead of the rest of us."

The Eden War - Book 3 of Re-ForgeWhere stories live. Discover now