Eye of the Storm

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Adara tidied up her tear-stained face with wishful thinking and her Nanites took care of the rest. Then she mentally pulled herself together. The tissue box dissolved into the arm of the command chair, and she steepled her fingers in front of her face, and said: "Let's remain calm, these ravenous Arse-faces have us boxed in, but not to worry, Mum, I have a plan."

Eden said: "Oh, thank God for that, because 'probability,' was going to see me switching to full Graviton technology prematurely, but there are still months to go before I resort to that."

After looking at the military situation, Adara said: "Why will you have to do that? Do you have more secret strategies? Plans within plans backed by more hidden aces in sleeves. Well, from where I'm sitting, it's not looking too good out there and the last Ace you have is me. I think it's time for me to begin implementing my plans, but there must be unbreakable conditions between us, and you must, right here and now, promise you will stay quiet and do not interfere."

Adara continued, saying: "You must obey as if you are just a ships brain receiving orders and not my mother. Your avatars must remain hidden in compartments with no door access. I'm probably going to do some stuff that you will want to kill me for, but I promise you that I will make everything better in the end. Can I count on your promise to remain a simple computer running programs to keep this ship operating, Mum?"

Eden said: "My God, I promise, but what can you have planned that would make me want to kill you?"

Adara manipulated the tablet PC in her hands, as she spoke, and when she finished setting her strategy out, Adara showed it to one of Eden's cameras.

Eden saw the note that read: 'Our enemy may have ears here. Keep reading while I talk.' Aloud, Adara said: "I have no real plan, per se, but I will play it by ear. I think I'm smarter than the enemy, and I'll rely on that, and my ability to adapt."

After reading the rest of Adara's strategy from the tablet, Eden really did feel like killing Adara, very, very severely, but she lacked the power to do it, no matter how angry she was. Finally, after ten minutes of calculating probability, Eden said: "I've run the numbers. I hate to say it, but you are correct. However, this level of sacrifice was never part of my plan."

Adara said: "Then play the game to the end mother. Since finding out what I can do, my strategies have changed, but I promise you, I have also run the numbers and my way is the best, and the outcome will be better for us than it is now. We can both survive this if you can trust me. Are you with me?"

Eden said: "You have upset me today, but I must trust in you, as Matt and his friends once put their trust in SP's when we were new. I must now do so for you. We would not be here now if it weren't for our ability to judge a person and trust in them. So, take the lead, you are the commander now. I will play my part,"

Adara visibly relaxed and said: "Okay, thank you mother. Let's start by contacting the enemy. Voice only please Eden."

Adara spoke using the enemy's language: "Enemy of Humanity and the universe, I am offering you the chance to communicate. Communication may lead to this ship surrendering, but I will only surrender on favourable terms. Please stop firing and listen to what I have to say. I will contact you again in one period... Eden ship, close comms."

Adara said: "Eden, one period is about forty minutes. I should be back with my pet by then. If I'm not here when they answer, tell them I had to step out to get our prisoner and make sure you always communicate using a dumb, 'ships' voice. I'll be back very soon.

Eden said: "Really, Adara. Like I don't know how their language translates. How offensive."

Adara said as she was leaving: "Christ Mum, this is exactly what I don't want. Just get into the role, will you? You're playing a dumb ship, remember? Don't let your pride blow this for us."

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