Stoney Corner

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The SP1 ship said: "I need raw materials, Alex. I have literally run out of fibrous silicates and heavy metals."

Alex said: "We're being accompanied by fifty or so mining ships SP1, why not get them mining?"

SP1 answered: "I did that already. I sent them ahead to the Trojan's Asteroid field, and they won't arrive in Jupiter orbit for another six weeks. I had to build an attack avatar for each mining ship as they lack weapons. Upgrading the avatars with Neutromatter power supplies has exhausted my supplies. That's why I'm resource-poor now. My factories have stopped producing, and I only have seven torpedos completed. I wanted to have the weapons magazines full by the time we reached Jupiter in case we run into the enemy."

Marc came in on the tail end of the conversation and asked: "What's going on?"

SP1 said: "I was telling Alex that I've run out of raw minerals, and I can't build his stuff."

Marc said: "We're too far away to head back. Can't this ship mine asteroids along our route to Jupiter? We do have the asteroid belt in front of us. SP1, can you bring up our route to Jupiter on the holovid? Thanks,"

Marc spoke into his AI-com: "Debbie, can you come to the briefing room, please?"

Just a few short minutes later, Debbie entered alone, and Alex asked: "Where's Peter and Josie?"

Debbie said: "Where else? Josie is auditing stocks and Peter's running wild deep in the bowels of SP1 with his best friend in the whole universe." Debbie looked at SP1 and said: "It never ceases to amaze me how you can have a sophisticated attack avatar communicate on the same level as a five-year-old, SP1."

SP1 said: "Just lots of research, trial, and error. I made the avatar look like an American Indian Chief from the earth history data to give Peter an unconscious reminder that I'm in charge as the Chief, and he is an Indian. I told him that he must stay the Indian until he has completed all his education and becomes a man. He's a smart boy, and I'm building that side of him with lots of interesting projects. It balances against your overprotective Mum issues, and his dad being busy most of the time with engineering projects... that I can't manufacture without those minerals."

Debbie nodded with a smile, and said: "Ouch... Well, thank you for pointing that out, and for caring so much about Peter. He is happy and comfortable with you." Then Debbie focussed on Marc and said: "You called me up here, Marc. How can I help?"

Marc said: "SP1 has so many things to manufacture, and we're feeling the pinch that every delay is causing. Just check out the route we're taking, there are hundreds of asteroids near it, and this is your area of expertise. I suggested that SP1 mine while we travel to Jupiter, but I'd like to know what you think?"

Debbie said: "I will be 'so' pleased to do anything to get me away from checking your Neutronium calculations. Josie and I are sick of checking your math. That's why she is off checking supplies. Most of it is above our heads anyway."

Then Debbie asked: "SP1, can you focus on the asteroid field right there where there is a dense patch? Yes, that's it. I think there's a small colony in there somewhere belonging to 'System Minerals.'"

SP1 manipulated the viewer following Debbie's directions, and Debbie said: "Yes, that's it SP1. Zoom in on that one."

SP1 zoomed in, then Debbie said: "That asteroid is called 'Stony Corner'. It is a registered mining colony. Instead of spending valuable time mining and processing, let's take what we need from that colony's storage hoppers. Those minerals will already be refined, and we'll save time that way."

The Eden War - Book 3 of Re-ForgeWhere stories live. Discover now