
173 9 7

Content Warning: minor swearing (mentioned twice... thrice?)

Childhood Friends AU; only Alicia is in MATA but Ali is aware about it

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"All of them think that I'm a bad influence on you and yet who's the one out of her house on Sunday midnight holding a bottle of liquor?"

"You're eighteen right now, what are you protesting about?"

"you're not"


"eighteen I mean"

She hums and uncapped the bottle soundly.

"Shh not so loud! Dad's sleeping!"

She scoffs, "bet your room is soundproof"

"Aish you're so annoying Icia"

she waved him off and settled a half-full glass in his hands, he eyed the contents sceptically.

"What even is this?"

"Cheap beer from outside Cyberaya" he clicked his tongue, gaze narrowing at the short haired woman

"Do I even bother to ask?" he sighs as she drank all of the contents of her glass in one gulp

She smirked soundly, lips shining through the lights of his dim bedside lamp

"Most lessons--knowledge comes from experience they say...well, I'm a curious girl"

He stared at the still liquid in his glass and tapped his index finger against the rim.

"What brought this on?"

"I want to know the taste of this liqour, to know if I'm a lightweight, how many glasses I can take to get drunk, even what kind of drunk am I" she laughs bitterly, eyes uncharacteristically glistening with unknown emotion.

"On my birthday?"

"Don't you?"

"I didnt think about that kind of things"

"Huh." She gulped all the contents of her glass again, not looking at him

"I--ah" her throat bobbed and she grasped the bottle once more to refill her glass, he stopped her, firmly holding her hand there, she flinched "I stupidly got myself a 'boyfriend' at fifteen"

Distantly the clock ticks away, rushing to the next minute while the only sound of their exhales echoes in that cold silent room.

"three years ago." it was a statement not a question, he didn't know what else to say, if anything it may be already too late and yet he can't help but feel betrayed,

"You...I-I thought I'm your friend? How come..."

"I'm telling you now aren't I?" she refilled her glass and clinked it against his, it causes a ripple inside his glass

"You always tell me everything...even about your missions so what is different about this?"

She took a deep breath then sighs,

"You... always beam when you tell me how it feels when you ride your scooter really fast and I think I got jealous, I also want to talk about something I enjoy with a stupid smile on my face and was embarrassed to admit it to you, it sounded so silly, so stupid and I just thought you'd teased me mercilessly about it like I always do to you..." she chuckled self-deprecatingly

Ejen Ali Oneshots featuring AliliciaWhere stories live. Discover now