Master Kohga x Reader

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Y/n's POV

I felt the warm tears sliding down my cheeks as I ran from the group of Yiga currently chasing me.

"Help me!" I cried out. I stumbled back as one of the Yiga appeared in front of me.

I turned around and two more stood behind me. All three spun their sickles in their hands as they approached.

I tumbled back onto the ground and looked up at them in fear. "NO!" I screamed as one of them raised their sickle above their head.

I closed my eyes awaiting the final blow when a low raspy voice spoke. "Wait." It said.

It was definitely a male's voice. I slowly opened my eyes as I heard movement and footsteps.

"Master Kohga?" A lighter voice asked. I watched in horror as Master Kohga himself approached me.

"On your feet." He ordered and I quickly pushed myself up before stumbling.

I caught myself and realized I twisted my ankle running. I lifted my head and looked into his mask.

"What's your name?" He asked as he stopped in front of me crossing his arms across his chest.

"Lilly." I lied. "I don't enjoy being lied to. Lie to me again and I won't stop my men from tearing you apart." He warned.

"Y/n. My name is Y/n." I answered quickly and truthfully. "Good girl. Where are your traveling companions? Surely you're not out here all alone?" He asked.

I blushed lightly at the unexpected praise. "They left me. We set camp for the night and when I woke up they were gone along with my stuff." I told him.

"Geeze. And we're the assholes. Where do you live?" He asked. I paused not wanting to give any more information about me.

"Y/n." He warned. "I live in Terry Town, with my uncle Hudson." I quickly answered and he nodded before turning to a tall muscular Yiga with a cracked mask.

"Take her home, Sooga." He ordered. "Yes, Master Kohga." Sooga bowed his head before approaching me.

"If you have anything you wish to take with you, grab it." He said. "Like I said. They took everything." I told him.

He held out his hand as Master Kohga began instructing his men. I took Sooga's hand and he pulled me closer.

"Close your eyes." He ordered. I obeyed and felt warm tingles across my spine as the ground shifted beneath my feet.

"Alright." I felt Sooga release me and step back. I heard a poof and before I could reopen my eyes he had teleported away.

I realized I was just outside the bridge to Terry Town and felt my hands shaking. I held them against my chest as I limped into town.

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