Master Kohga x Reader x Sooga

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Y/n's POV

I quietly sat in the cold sandstone cell with my wrists chained above me.

I pulled against the chains but quickly stopped as they began digging into my soft skin. I hissed softly as I felt blood run down my arms.

"Stop that." A masculine voice called from beyond the cell door. I glared at the Yiga. "Make me." I sassed and he just stared at me through that creepy mask.

"You're a brat." He said before turning his back to me. "Tell me something I don't know." I said sarcastically.

I saw him shaking his head before he suddenly stood up straight a saluted. I tilted my head confused until a deep voice spoke.

"I wasn't aware we had a prisoner." It sent shivers down my spine. "Me neither, Who are you guarding?" A lighter raspy voice added.

"A bitch." My guard said. "That's your opinion. Careful with opinions." I called loud enough for the other voices to hear me.

My guard turned to me. "Shut the fuck up." He snapped summoning a sickle and slamming it against the cell bars.

I jumped slightly and kept my mouth shut. He chuckled as the sickle vanished and he turned back around before quickly bowing his head.

I still couldn't see who he was speaking with. "Move aside." The deep voice called and the guard stepped out of my field of view.

Two very recognizable Yiga stood in front of my cell. Master Kohga and his husband and co-leader Master Sooga. 

"I think I'll take Mr. Rude back." I said as I attempted to hide my fear with comedy. It seemed to work as Master Kohga chuckled.

"Come here often?" He asked playfully and I couldn't help but smile. "Yeah. I love spending my down time with a bunch of cold blooded killers. Gets the adrenaline pumping." I played along.

He turned to his husband. "I like her, Sooga." He said before turning back to me. "Seriously, why are you here?" Sooga asked being more professional than his husband.

"I got stranded in a sandstorm and ended up in Yiga territory." I told him truthfully. "How long have you been in this cell?" Kohga asked.

I shrugged and he turned to my guard. "3 days and she's been a pain in the ass the entire time." He grunted. "Thank you, I try." I said with a smile causing Kohga to chuckle.

"Unlock the door." Sooga ordered and the guard grabbed their keys ring before unlocking the cell and opening the door.

Kohga and Sooga walked into the cell and I kept my eyes on them searching for any sudden movements.

Kohga kneeled down in front of me and gently turned my head from one side to the other.

"I think she's perfect, Sooga." He said standing back up. "I agree. What's your name?" Sooga asked with his arms crossed.

"Y/n." I answered softly. "What do you mean I'm perfect?" I asked confused. "You'll be our wife. You check all the boxes." Sooga explained.

I blushed deeply. "W-wife?" I asked. "Yes." Kohga said simply as he snapped his fingers. The chains around my wrist loosened and I pulled my arms down.

I gently rubbed my raw wrists. "Do I have a choice?" I asked softly. "No. Don't worry, you'll learn to love us." Sooga held out his hand.

I gently took it and he pulled me to my feet with ease. I stumbled into his chest as my legs felt tingly from sitting for 3 days.

He caught me by my hips and steadied me. I blushed and looked up at his mask. "Sorry." I whispered.

"Falling for us already, sweetheart?" Kohga teased and I couldn't help but giggle at his terrible joke.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad...

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