Master Kohga x Reader YANDERE LONG

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Iyana's POV

I hummed quietly to myself as I wandered the halls of Hyrule Castle. It was late but I have always had trouble sleeping. The Castle's head doctor calls it insomnia.

But I've tried everything. Nightshade infused tea, exercise, meditation. Nothing seemed to make me tired enough to sleep through the night.

I smiled kindly as I passed a guard. He simply nodded to me acknowledging my presence. The guards were used to my late night walks.

I turned the corner seeing a flash of red. "Hello?" I called out. My voice bounced through the hall but I received no response.

"Huh, weird." I mumbled before continuing to walk. I entered the library and noticed the King's study was open. He must be burning the midnight oil as well.

My parents were close friends with the Royal family and when they both passed tragically in a monster attack on the castle King Rhoam took me beneath his wing and Princess Zelda became like a sister.

I knocked on the ajar bookcase before entering. "Hey there Pops- Oh my." I stopped in the doorway seeing a tall muscular Yiga Blade Master rummaging through the King's desk.

He turned around and I stared frightened into his mask. "Um." I didn't know what to say or do. I just kinda of stood there before coming to my senses and turning around running up the stairs to inform the closest guard on duty.

I heard him shout profanitys at being caught before hearing his footsteps chasing after me. "HELP! YIGA IN THE CASTLE!" I screamed and a guard rushed around the corner to me.

"Lady Iyana. Get behind me, quick. Where did you see them?" I recognized the guard. It was Gareth, a close friend of mine.

"He was in the King's study! Going through his desk! I think he tried to chase me before I screamed." I said breathlessly as I clutched my chest trying to calm my racing heart.

It wasn't long until more guards began to arrive after being alerted by the sound of my screaming. Hell, I'd be surprised if half the castle didn't hear me.

Kohga's POV

A knock sounded upon my office door and I glanced at the clock wondering who the hell was still awake. "Enter." I called setting a mission report down and closing the file.

The door opened to reveal one of my Blade Masters. "What is it? Could this have not waited until the morning?" I questioned with a grunt scratching my chin.

"Apologies, Master. I was tasked with obtaining a file from King Rhoam's study but I was interrupted and caught. Though it's what the young woman said that I wanted to report." He explained shutting my office door behind him.

"And what's that?" I asked feeling like this definitely could have waited until morning. "She said 'Hey Pops.' Isn't that something you'd call a relative such as a father?" He questioned.

I dropped my hand. "Hm. Yeah it is. I've heard rumors he had another daughter. Adoption not blood." I thought aloud.

"I figured you'd like to know, Master." He said. "Did you get a good look at her? Enough for a sketch?" I asked and he nodded.

"Alright. Let's do it now, while it's fresh in your mind. I'll have the sketch artist woken up." I leaned back in my chair.

"I don't believe forgeting her will be a problem, Master. She was... Breathtaking." The Blade Master said. I raised an eyebrow beneath my mask.

"Oh? Now I'm curious, what does she look like?" I asked and the Blade Master took a seat in one of the chairs sitting in front of my desk before beginning to describe the most beautiful woman I've ever had the honor of visualizing.

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