Master Kohga x Reader EXTRA LONG

18 1 1

Y/n's POV

I let out a quiet grunt as I carried the heavy haybale into the barn. I could hear my father speaking to someone.

I wasn't aware we had a guest on the farm today. "Papa! Little help please!" I called as my arms began to give out.

I couldn't see anything around the haybale but I felt someone catch it before helping me load it onto the pile in the corner.

"Thanks, pops." I dusted my hands off before looking up and screaming. A tall muscular Yiga stood in front of me.

I quickly threw a rather sloppy punch since I was never taught to fight but he easily caught my fist and my other wrist to keep me from throwing another punch.

"Y/n. He won't hurt you. Please go back to the house. I'll finish up your chores." My father said quickly trying to diffuse the situation.

The Yiga released me and I quickly moved around him to my father. My eyes widened as Master Kohga himself stood in front of my dad.

"Hello." He greeted me with a surprised tone before looking over me at my father. "You didn't inform us you had a daughter." His voice was low and raspy.

It sent a shiver down my spine. My father pulled me closer to him and further from Master Kohga and the other Yiga who stood behind his Master.

"She isn't any of your business. Y/n. Go to the house and lock the doors. Now." My father ordered.

I looked between him and the two intimidating Yiga before nodding. I left their sight but hid outside the barn so I could listen in.

My mother passed leaving me alone with my papa and I wasn't about to lose him too. "Alright, back to business." A deep husky voice said.

I assumed it to be Master Kohga's body guard. "I'll add a new option to repaying your debt. It will immediately repay all of the money you've borrowed."

"What's that?" My father asked. "Give me your daughter's hand in marriage." Master Kohga said simply and my lips parted in surprise.

"No. I will never let you anywhere near her!" My father yelled. "Alright. Then your debt has doubled and if you do not pay me by the end of the week, I will burn down your entire farm." Master Kohga replied.

"Please, Master Kohga. She's all I have." My father pleaded. I took a deep breath knowing what had to be done.

This farm has been in my family for generations. I couldn't let it be destroyed. I walked back into the barn.

They all turned to me. "I'll do it. I'll marry you." I said trying to sound brave but it came out quiet and timid.

"Hm, Wonderful. It's settled. I'll give you a week to say your goodbyes before I come to collect you." He said and I nodded.

"No! Not happening. I'd rather die then let you marry my daughter!" My father yelled charging at Master Kohga.

The other Yiga grabbed him and slammed him down onto the ground. My father groaned in pain and clutched his stomach.

"Papa!" I cried running to him and kneeling down. "Oh, and please do not try to run away because I will find you and I'll kill your father." Master Kohga said.

I glared at him through my tears but kept quiet and nodded. "One last thing. Hold out your arm." He ordered.

I sniffled but obeyed. A gold bracelet appeared in his gloved hand and he gently took my hand pulling me up onto my feet.

He clasped the bracelet around my wrist. "That's a tracker. In case you try to run. Good luck trying to remove it." He released my hand.

I pulled it against my chest. "I believe that's everything. I'll have a wedding planner swing by to get your preferences and sizing." He said before nodding to his bodyguard who was standing over my father.

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