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I was woken up by my phone ringing. I could sleep as long as I wanted  when i actually never had a time to fit. The support group wa sopen twentyfour-seven and I was always availible for these girls.

"Tris Prior speaking" I said

"How did you do it, how didn't you run off when thing got hard?" The girls voice asked me


"How come you stayed here?"

"Darling, I never did that. Will you meet up for a cup of tea and a talk?" I asked her

"Yeah.. Dauntless diner?" She suggested

"See you in fifteen" I said and hung up.

I got dressed in a grey denim skirt with a with singlet and a grey cardigan over, I put my high heels converse on and walked out our door. I texted Tobias while I was driving to the coffee shop, telling him where I was.

I walked in through the door and I got a sight of a girl. Hovered in the booth in the corner, her hoodie was over her head shielding her, Tris order two cups of earl grey tea, one with two cubs of suger and mil and one with a slice of lemon in. She sat down in front of Julie who immediately flinched away

"It's just me" Tris whispered

"Oh, h-hi, Thanks for meeting up" Julie said. Infront of her she had a map and a pen "I am going away for a while" she continued

"Julie, no. It's not worth it. I promise" Tris said

"How can you promise something you don't know anything about? Just because you were stuck here!" She yelled

"I wasn't stuck.." Tris said quietly "I did leave. Twice"

"W-what?" Julie said

"Yeah... I couldn't face them or my friends, I started doing bad things, like drinking and doing drugs, I was at a party in Indiana and I never left, I stayed at the guys who's party it was and I was cheating to my boyfriend a lot during this time. I left for Indiana and New York. In New York I was living by myself and the only accompany was of bartenders and the old lady of the hotel I was staying at. Both time my friends found me, barely alive at the hospitals, they brought me back. I was instituted at Hart Grove's twice two. I tried to kill myself, I broke up with Tobias, I lost my new fiancé child, I lost my fiancé. Julie, I lost everything when I went away, so I am telling you, it's not worth it. Things may be hard now, but things will be better, I promise"

"D-do you think you will ever let Tobias in again?" She asked

"I already have, but parts of me still fights to tell her the good stuff"

"Like what?" Julie asked

"Like I am pregnant. But I am afraid of telling him in case I loses this too. Julie, you have a boyfriend. You need to let him in, let him help you, don't push him away like I did"

"Okay, thanks Tris" She smiles "And congratulations on the baby, you should tell him" she smiles and waves as she goes. I take a sip on my tea whick by now is cold and stand up and walked out the door.

I found myself outside our apartment, I unlocked the door and walked in only to be met by Christina and baby Rose, Marlene, Lynn and Shauna.

"Girl! Where have you been?" Lynn yelled

"Sush! Don't wake her up!" Christina complains. I smile and my hand automatically finds my abdomen

"Oh my god!" Christina breaths "Oh my god! Oh my god!"

"What?" I asked confused

"How far gone are you?" She asked and the girls looks at me intently

"A month and a half" I say with a smile. They bring me into a group hug and congratulates me.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Shauna asked

"I am afraid I will loose it again, I don't want people to know if I will lose it again" I admit

"You won't lose it. You fell down last time, it wasn't your fault, you wont loose it this time" Marlene tells me

"Have you told Four?" Lynn asked

"Noo... Not yet" I say


When I had changedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang