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Was it really her? Did she really stand in my livingroom? Had she really come back?

I was frozen. With the keys still in my hand, the door open and my hand on the wall.

She was here?

"Tris.." I breathed and a smile erupted on her lips.

"Yeah.." she said as she looked at me.

"Oh my..." I said "Where have you been?" I asked

Tris sighed. " I lived in a small city in Italy" she said. Italy?

"I decided that Alice needed to know her daddy and I missed you guys" she said. Alice? Daddy? Had it been a girl.

A small girl stood beside Tris clutching her hand. She pulled in the sleeve of Tris jacket

"I want up" she said and Tris smiled a loving smile to the girl "Of course darling" she said and picked her up in her small arms.

"I am still tired, mommy" she said.

"I know. We will be going" she said to me.

"Where will you stay?" I asked

"My father's"

I raised my eyebrows. "You do know that he sold the house and moved, right?" Uriah asked

"What?" Tris asked

"Yeah. When Caleb moved on. Mr Prior sold the house and bought a small apartment" Lynn said

"oh.." Tris said "I guess I will stay at a hotel then" she continued

"You can stay here, I offered"

She looked up at me with her beautiful blue eyes

"I don't want to intrude.." she said

"You won't. I promise" I said


A hour later and the gang had left me and Tris alone. Alice had fallen asleep on the chouch and Tris picked her up.

"Where will we be sleeping?" she asked. I led her to the room who once was supposed to be our nursery. The walls was yellow. Just like Tris had wished.

"You can put her to sleep here" I said and when I turned around I saw tears in Tris eyes

"You painted it?"


I watched as she put Alice into the small bed and put the covers over her. She kissed her cheeks and closed the door.

"And me?" she asked

"I have the couch or my bed. Your choice" I said.

"I can.. Take the couch" she said.

"Fine, you know where the bathroom is" I said and closed the door to my bedroom

She is really here

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