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As the darkness comes back to me another feeling is hunting me. A lighter feeling. The feeling of sleeping on clouds. Not that I have ever done that but this feels exacelty the way I imagine.

I can feel someone holdning my hand and I can hear voices in the distance.

and then I can see. I can see white walls, white floor and a white roof. I move my eyes and find them looking at a boy. A boy sleeping in the chair next to me and holdning my hand, hard.

There is another pressure at my body. Like another body placed besides me. And that's right, beside me is a small body the size of a little girl. Maybe four or five years old. I smile because my baby is safe.

I move my hand and stroke her hair and her eyes flutter open. Her bright blue eyes looks intently at me

"Mommy!" She yells, making the boy in the chair stirr.

"Alice! Oh my lord! You are okay!" I whisper as I frantic scan her body¨

"I am allright. Are you alright?" She asks and the boy's eyes open and I met the dazing ocean blue eyes of my husband

"Tobias!" I breath as I take a deep sigh. MY family is safe

"Tris! Darling! I am so, so sorry!" He says. What is he sorry for?

"What for?" I ask as I stroke my daughters hair

"For leaving" he says as he looks down at the floor.

"It's okay. I love you" I tell him and when his eyes met mine I could see tears glister in them.

"I love you too, You can never leave like that again" He said

"I won't" I reassure him as I press my lips at his. The kiss is slow, beautiful. Just the way I like it

"Are you okay?" He asks after we pulled away

"Yeah.. I think so... I saw my mother" I admit

"Your mother?" 

"Yeah, she told me it wasn't my time yet. That my family needed me"

"She is right, we do need you" I smile and yawn at the same time

"Rest my darling, you need it" And I close my eyes, clutching Alice body close too me

"Lay with me" I beg as I make room for Tobias. He crawls into the bed and his arms takes me and Alice in. I fell asleep in his safe arms, like I had always wanted

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