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Somehow the world continue without me the last cpuple of years. I was there but I was never present.

I was like a ghost.

I sat at thw couch in Christina and Will's livingroom. William was at work.

"So, how are things turning out for you and Four?" she asked me and I smile

"Good. It's like there has been no time. Like we always has been togheter"

"You guys have. Since eight grade"

"Yeah. But it weird. I feel safe with him"

"that great!" Christina says and take a sip of her coofee. Ryan and Alice is giggeling in his room where they are playing. I smile

"we got married yesterday" I suddenly say

Christina's eyes widen
"What?! And you didn't invite me?" she asked

"Noone was invited. Just the three of us. We are going away for a while. On a trip"

"I am happy for you guys" Christina says and hugs me.


As we walk off the plane in sunny Italy a warmth and a panic fills me. Alice fell asleep and now Tobias is carrying her off the plane towards our bags.

Her stroller is the first to arrive and Tobias sets her down so she can continue to sleep.

We rented a car after all the bags had come and I drive through the city that was once my home. I take a scarp left and then a right and park the car at the cementary. Alice is still asleep so I walk out the door.

"Tris? What are we doing here?" Tobias voice echo.

I walk past some of the graves and stop at a small heart shaped stone and look down. I feel Tobias looking at me

"Her lays Stephen Eaton. Beloved son and brother" I read and I can see Tobias eyes shift to the grave

"Eaton?" he asked "Who is Stephen Eaton?"

"Stephen is your son"

When I had changedWhere stories live. Discover now