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I thought she had changed. She was changed from the last time she run away. But this was it. This was a too big lie. This was it. I was never going back to her.

I drove and drove and drove around Italy not sure of which city we were in. I had an adress of Tris old apartment here and was going to found it sooner or later

"Daddy... where is mommy?" a small voice said from the backseat

"She had to take care of a thing" 

"Will she be back?" Alice voice said

"Of couse"

"How do you know?"

"Alice, mommy would never leave you. I promise"

"Okay daddy"

We had reached the apartment and Alice skipped away through the hallway and down into what I assumed was her bedroom. It was a small but beautiful apartment and I understood why Tris had choose it.


I just left her there.

But if she wanted she could walk back. I will not feel sorrow for her. she did this on her own. She should of told me about him.

About Stephen..

A couple of hours later Alice was fast asleep and Tris still hadn't showed up. I had a gnawing in my stomach that something was terrible wrong. I stood up and paced around the living room when the phone started ringing. I froze. This was it. This was how they were about to tell me how my wife that I left at the graveyard had been hurt and was at the hospital. Or how they would tell me she died.

I picked up the phone


"Tobias!" She cried into the phone and my body froze and my heart stopped beat "Please help me!" She cried. I heard muffled voices in the background.

"Tris? Whats wrong? Where are you?" I yelled into the phone

"They are going to kill me... Take care of her... I love you" And the call ended

"Tris!" I yelled while tears oured out of my eyes

"Is mommy okay?" a voice said from the corner. Alice

"She will be" I said "Come on. go get you jacket" I said and when I had put her jacket on we enter the cold Italian night.

When I had changedWhere stories live. Discover now