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We leave Alice at the couch, her fsvoritw movie was on the T.V, Frozen.

I sits down at the kitchen table with my coffee in front of me. Tobias sits down too and stroke my hand that iss resting on the table.

"You need to know that even if I left I wanted to get marrired. I never stopped loving you" he says. But somehow I don't know if I belive him
He shouldn't run if he still loved me

"Anyway.." he says when I kept quiet "I stood there. I saw you walking down and I had never seen a more beautiful girl. I was nervous but I was sure we would be togheter" Tobias confess and interlink our fingers

"Then why did you leave?"

"I got paniced. I never ment to hurt you there. But I had no controll of my emotions or actions in that moment. And I am really really sorry. I will spend the rest of mylife trying to repair what I broke. Because I am not ready to loose you, or Alice"

"I came back to you. It took almost five years. But I came back" I say and Tobias smiles at me

"I wished I had never ran out. I have spent the last five year wishing I was married to you. That you where here with me" He says I stay quiet and he continue to talk "I missed her birth, her first steps, her first word and her first chistmas" He says and looks over at the couch where my princess has fallen asleep. "I wish I was a part of thoose moments. I wish I was a part of her and yours life" He said

"Then be it. Let's actually get married. Nothing big. Nothing fancy. Just our family" I say and his eyes lit up

"Really? You want to do that?" he asks

"Of course. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I am tired of running. I am tired of being alone. I want our family complete"

"Then let's get married" Tobias agree and he kisses me and I imediatly kiss him back


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