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"Wasn't you happy with me?" he asks as he strokes my bare leg.

"Yes" No

"Didn't I do anything for you?"

"Yes" No

"Didn't you love me?"

"Yes" No

"Then why did you never come back?!" he yells at me and hit me across my face. I scream

I need to be strong. For Alice. For Tobias. For Me

"I couldn't come back.." I whisper

"Don't lie, Six!" Eric says in a deadly voice

"I don't!"

"Do you want your daughter to die?!" he treath.

"No! Please let her be. I will do anything!!" I yell out in panic

"Anything, huh?"


"Sleep with me. And enjoy it" he said. Anything but that

"I can do that"

I lay at the floor. Blood comming from my nose and mouth and loud cries and sobs escapes my lips. My body is hurting so bad.

I close my eyes and wish I was home. Safe in Tobias arms but not even that helps the pain in my cheast.

When I had changedWhere stories live. Discover now