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For the first time in the last four years I have had a sleep in. My eyes flutter open and my vision is blurry. I am in a room with sand coloured walls and in a bed. I fell asleep on the chouch. I am sure of it.

I hear giggles from the next room and walk out of the bedroom I once share with Tobias. The sight in the livingroom is a sigh.

Tobias is on all four, walking around with Alice on his back. She has a rope around his torso and guide his path. I stiffle a laugh.

This is what life should be like. This is like how I imagined my family to be like.

"Did we wake you up?" Tobias suddenly asks from the floor where he has Alice pinned under his arm and tickeling her

"No, it's fine" I said as I smile at the two of them "Didn't I sleep on the chouch?"

"Yeah... But this morning you was looking like you needed a softer bed so I placed you in the bedroom before Alice got up" Tobias said

"Thanks" I say, blushing

"Sweetheart, have you got anything to eat?" I ask

"Yes! He made me pancakes!" she yelled and hugged Tobias who smiled.

"Great" I say "Can I borrow your shower?" I ask

"It's your shower too" Tovias says as he stands up and kisses my cheek "I will make coffee while you take your shower" 

I look puzzled over my daughter

"She can stay here, don't worry, I can manage to care for her" he reasures me.

After my shower I am dressed in a denim skirt with black see through tights and a blue singlet with a white cardigan over. I have my black converse tied up and my hair and make up done. I walk out of the bathroom to find Tobias and Alice watching cartoons. 

His head turns as he hears me enter. He look at me intently and then smiles his one hundred dollar smile

"Wow" he breaths and I being me blush.

I make myself a cup of coffee and sits down in the couch, Alice crawls over and slump down in my lap, I stroke her beautiful blonde hair away from her eyes.

"So, what do you want to do today?" Tobias asks me

"What? Doesn't you have work?"

"No. Not today. I want to know more about my daughter and explain to you my I ran away on our wedding" he says in a sad tone

"Then explain"

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