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"So we are going to the beach?"

I am guiding Tobias towards the beach. We have the children in our backseat and they are laughing at something Tobias just said

"Take a left here" I say as I point at a smaller road. I am a bit worried going to the beach. The beach means water, the water means bathing and the barhing means swimsuit that means showing a lot of skin... Or in my case scars.

"Take a right here and then park under the tree's that look like a pinapple" I say

We take the children out. Ryan in Tobias arms as we wait for our friends in the other cars. I pull my dress down and try to cover up my body

"Stop" Tobias says as he takes both of my hands in one of his "You look beautiful. They are not ugly. They show your strength. Don't cover yourself up"

Time Laps

I stand with Alice in the water. Swinger her so only her feet touches the waves occasinaly. Her beautiful laugh is the most perfect sound in the world. Alice has a purple bathinsuit with white flower on and I have a white bikini with gold stars on.

There is two elder women a couple off feet away from us talking. I can hear their conversation

"And thats why women like her shouldn't have kids" One of the women says.

I try and not carw that she talks about me and focus on my daughter

"She would be a terrible mother and her child would be a troublemaker... Just like her" The other women said and pointed at Alice.

"Go back to daddy" I whisper to my daughter and watch Tobuas catch her in the air when she came running. I turn to the two ladies

"Excuse me... Just to be clear: I am an exellent mother. My daughter is the sweetest child I have ever met and you bitches need to stop judging!" I say harsh. They look at me like I am the one judging

"Sweetheart, look at you. Look at your body. Your daughter would soon be afraid of looking at you" Ine of the women said. I was just about to spit something back when Tobias voice was heard

"Everything okay?" he said as he layed his arm over my shoulder.

"Yeah.." I whisper as I walk back with him, hand in hand.

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