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Eight Months Later

"Push!" The doctor yell at me

"I can't!" I cry out as tears stream out of eyes

"He is in good hands. Your baby boy has the best doctor's attend to him" the nurse tells me

I scream in pain

"You have to push!" the doctor yells at me

"No! My baby boy was dead.. Wasn't he?" I ask as I feel a constraktion hit me again and I scream yet another time

"We don't know that, but if you don't push here, Ms Prior, your daughter might die" The doctor said. That was harsh but just what I needed to hear.
I nod my head and we continue

"Push!" she yells and I push. With all my streanght I push and thats when my babies scream is heard. My daughter scream. She is placed in my arms.

A girl with ocean blue eyes and blonde hair. A perfect match between me and Tobias


His name still stings my heart. I haven't talked to anyone of my friends since the day of my cancelled wedding. I could of been Mrs Eaton now but instead I am just Ms Prior.

Time laps

My baby girl returned to me after the regular check up. The doctos stands in the room with a dull expression

"He didn't survive?" I ask as I sniffles

"I am sorry for your loss"

My baby boy died. He was born and didn't breath when he has born. He never took a breath. He died before he had the chance to live.

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