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I stand at her hospital bed. Looking down at her pale, small, fragile body. She has been out of surgery for about a week and the doctors is skeptical if she will survive. Tris hasn't been awake once since then.

My whole life broke the day I left her. If I had come back for her when she didn't returned home... Then this would never have happened. She would have been okay.

When the police found her they didn't tell me much about how she was. Just that they had been forced to take Eric out with a bullet. So Eric was dead.

I stroke her soft cold cheek and take a deep sigh

"You need to wake up. I can't do this without you" I whisper "It was suppose to be me and you, remember?" Tear slide down my cheek as the door opens and Christina stands there, holding hands with Alice. 

"Is mommy okay?" She asked as she runs up to me. I pick her up.

"Yes, she is just sleeping, mommy is really tired" I say as I sat her down on Tris hospital bed. I watch as Alice crawl up to Tris and hugs her.

"Be careful. Mommy is in pain" I say and Alice nods her head and kiss her cheek

"I love you mommy" Alice whisper

Christina walks up to us and takes Tris other hand.

"Please wake up" She whisper and squeeze her hand "Should I bring Alice back to the waitingroom?" she ask and I shakes my head. Christina soon leaves the room and I look at Alice who has fallen asleep next to Tris. Squeezing her hand hard.

I fall back into the chair and in no time I am also alseep

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