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I broke her. This time when she left it was because of me. Not because someone had hurt her. But because I had. I had left her at the altar. She had said yes and she was happy and I wanted to badly to say yes. But the panic took over and I left. I left her there. Damn it!

After being frozen to my place, and so was the other in the room too we run outside. Not a sign of her more then her heels laying in the grass

"She threw her heels away!" Christina yells as she picks them up. But the sight of Tris is gone. Tris and our baby.

Somehow I managed to get home. Home to the apartment where Tris and I was living. And it's empty. All the stuff is left but it feels empty. Tris is not here. Her laugh, her cooking, her silliness. And I miss her.

I curl up in the couch Tris bought to my apartment at collage. I pull the quilt over me and fell asleep and for once in my life I actually cries.

Four Months Later

I am back at work I am trying to living my life but I just can't. She is still gone. I wonder where she is. How she is doing. If the baby is alright. So I pick my phone up again and dial her number

"Hi, you have reached Tris phone. Please leave you name and number and I will call you back... or not" her voice said

"Tris, please, come home..." I beg into the phone and then I hang up.

I am meeting up with the gang at Dauntless Diner. We are sitting in a booth and talking, or they talk I just listen.

"Em... excuse me..." a small girl in a black hoodie says

"Yes?" Uriah asks and the girl turns to me.

"You are Tobias right?"

"Yes" I say

"D-do you know where Tris is? She never answer her phone for me anymore..." the girl says

"No. I am sorry... I think she is out of town" I say

"You don't know? Wasn't you guys like engaged?" She asked

"Yeah.. things change... You are Julie, right?" I ask


"If I hear something I will let you know"

"Thanks" and she walks away

"Who's Julie?" Lynn asked

"She is one of the girls from the support group"

"Oh..." Lynn says "Does this mean she is really gone?"

"She will come back... She always does" Zeke say

But I am not to sure this time.


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