Chapter 24 He did what

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Sapphires POV

The next morning Dad and I are at the training field, with Zander, Zavier, Conner, and Mark along with the other pack trainers, directing the pack members to help with improving their skills,  I scan the watching crowd for anything suspicious and my eyes land on one guy in particular.

He is standing on the outskirts of the field watching Dad with a very intense expression on his face, then it quickly changes, and his eyes go wide. He looks like he has just realized something. As I'm looking at him, I see his eyes tear up, and he blinks a few times.

This has me intrigued, who is he and why hasn't he taken his eyes off my Dad? I walk over to him, making sure I am out of his line of sight, I don't want to scare him off until I find out what he wants, he is so engrossed in watching Dad that he doesn't even realize I am standing next to him, His sole focus has made him blind to his surroundings.

"Travis is good isn't he," I remark to the man.

"He is incredible to watch, I bet his parents are proud of him." I can hear pride and astonishment in his voice. The man doesn't even look at me when he answers.

"Yep, his mum is so proud, his stepdad was as well."

"I wonder if his Dad trained him?" the tone of his voice implies that he might be envious.

"No, he didn't."

Shock appears on the man's face when I say that. When he finally turns to look at me, he realizes who he is talking to, and takes a step back, he seems unsteady on his feet.

"Beta Sapphire, I'm sorry I didn't know it was you." He slightly bows at me, I'd laugh at him if I wasn't so intrigued as to why he can't take his eyes off my Dad.

"Why are you so intrigued with my Dad?" I ask straight to the point.

He goes a bit pale, and his jaw drops but he quickly snaps it shut again. He looks very uncomfortable and has a guilty demeanor about him.

I squint at him, I'm starting to get pissed off. "Answer my question." I hiss at him.

He scowls at me, then smiles. "I can see the love you have for your Dad, it's nice to see."

I fold my arms, staring hard at him, and we end up having a staring contest.

He gulps again. "Fine." he sighs out looking defeated.

"His mum is my true mate and I did the stupidest thing ever, and have regretted it ever since."

"You rejected her didn't you?" I am mad as hell, when I remember to stories Dad would tell me, about how torn up his mum was about being rejected by her mate.

"Yes, it is something I am deeply ashamed of, I tried to find her but she disappeared from the face of the earth."

"Why did you do it?"

"I was an arrogant asshole and a player and didn't want to settle down with a mate." his voice is heavy with regret.

"Karma's a bitch ain't it?" I am fuming. When I look back at this guy, he is watching Dad like a hawk.

Sapphire, are you OK? Zaviers voice comes into my head

I'm fine, just talking to this guy. I look at Zavier and see Mark looking at me as well, he has a troubled look on his face.

Let us know if you need a hand with anything. I can hear the concern in his voice.

Will do little brother. Zavier just smiles at me, chuckling, while he is shaking his head. Mark looks between the two of us and starts to talk to Zavier. I can see Zavier talking to Mark, which helps calm him down.

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