Sokovian Battle

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The first thing that came back was my hearing. At first I focused in on the slow drips of water around me. They felt close. Sounding like the annoying kind of kitchen tap that forever drips.

Then it was my sense of touch. I was on something cold and hard. Stone most likely. The water consuming the top layer was working it's way into my suit creating the most uncomfortable feeling of dampness.

My smell was confusing. Like I said damp and metal filled my lungs. I hope it was the real thing and I wasn't bleeding out.

In my mouth I could definitely taste blood. When I ran my tongue along my cracked lips, my bottom left side was busted open.

When I blinked to open my eyes, I tried not to wince but when stopping myself I bit my sore lip resulting in a slight whine escaping me anyway.
I was immediately met with Ultron in front of me. Working on something.

"I wasn't sure you'd wake up. I hoped you would. I wanted to show you. I don't have anyone else. I think a lot about meteors. The purity in them. Boom! The end. Start again. The world made clean, for the new man to rebuild. I was meant to be new. I was meant to be beautiful. The world would have looked at the sky and seen hope, seen mercy. Instead they'll look up in horror because of you. You've wounded me. I give you full marks for that but like the man said, what doesn't kill me-"

I pushed myself up as he spoke and inched closer to me. Out of no where his body was ripped in half just for a newer version of Ultron to appear behind him.

That made my heart leap and I'm sure I did look terrified and backed up against the wall.

"Just makes me stronger." He spoke before pulling some iron gates in front of me. Locking me into place. Did he know I could melt these? Surely.

I fiddled with my broken com hoping it would signal some sort of sound waves to be located. I even tried morse code of my location. I hope someone got it. Soon the robots had all moved out and it was my time to move. I'm guessing Ultron didn't care if I escaped. He has access to all of the internet I'm sure he knows of me.

I got straight to work being able to melt my bars in seconds.

"Kira! Kira!" I hear Tony speak out in an echo.

"Tony!" I yell back and soon he comes into view.
"You alright?" He asks me as he encases me in a hug.
"Yeah." I reply softly taking in his warmth.
"The team is in the city. It's about to light up." Tony tells me.
"Well I saved myself." I smirk.
"That I can see. Never doubted you for a second hunny." He smiles back.
"So what's our play?" I ask.
"I'm here to guide you to the rest of the team. Helping with evacuation is our main priority." He tells me and I nod before we both power up and get to work.

I guide as many people as I can out of the city but I was worried we wouldn't have enough time. Suddenly robots appear from everywhere, destroying the peace. I melt as many as I can that come into my path. Wanda gets knocked to the floor near me and I help lift her up.

Her brother Pietro, as Tony had told me their names were now on our side. She nodded thanks before we got back to work.

As if things couldn't get worse. The city quite literally starting lifting up. Rubble started to rain down below us and cracks in the Earth, parted us. We were now airborne and the people rightfully so we're freaking out. Luckily I wasn't too close to the edge but I ran to one, to one look out for people and two see what was going on.

I grabbed onto as many people as I could, now bringing them back into the centre. There were still so many.

"You rise only to fall. You, Avengers, you are my meteor. My swift and terrible sword and the Earth will crack, with the weight of your failure. Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me. It means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world, will be metal." Ultron's voice sounded throughout the whole city. All his bots were connected.

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