Rebuild What We Lost

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I stare out of the plane window at the fluffy clouds taking us to our tropical getaway, hating how a few months ago this would've brought me excitement and happiness, now I just feel a sense of dread. Going on vacation with my ex is definetly not how I would have liked to spend my first week of summer, but after hours of maddening phone calls and pleas to the holiday company and hotel we were staying at they inevitably decided a refund just wasn't possible. It was either stick with the plans or lose a lot of hard earned money, I of course decided to pack my bags and ask Leon if he was willing to be civil for one week. For some reason he agreed, even though he could've easily spited me and refused to help me out. Then again, it's some of his money too. 

I keep my legs tucked as far away from Leon's manspreading as possible, it's going to be hard to keep a smile on my face when the reason for my months of self-pity is sat right next to me. I sigh, staring out into the blue sky as I try and cheer myself up with thoughts of alcohol, sunny beaches and the endless ocean. 

The first few days go okay, I begin to ignore Leon's presence which is especially helpful since he booked an extra room across the hall from mine, that way we don't see much of each other apart from during our booked reservations for dinner's and spa treatments. I even begin to have fun and relax until one hot afternoon, when Leon suggests we spend some time together at the beach. I arch an eyebrow at him, wondering why he could ever want to actually be with me when he could literally ask any woman to do the same, and then he could take her back to his room. For some reason the thought of someone else being with him makes my stomach churn, so I agree and pack up a few things before we head down and take a short walk to the beach. I still can't get over the golden sand and the luscious waves rolling in and out, it's pure heaven. 

I sit next to Leon on the heated sand, who's topless and wearing some cheesy tropical designed shorts. I try to focus on the steamy romance novel I'm reading but instead my eyes keep sneaking glances of him on his back, one arm tucked under his head as he rests. Since he's got his eyes closed I lower my book, letting my gaze roam over his chest and abs, then lower. When I hear a faint chuckle from him I immediately tear my eyes away, but from the one blue eye cracked open and watching me with amusement, I know I've been caught. For the next hour I refuse to even peek in his direction, instead I get lost in the book and the spicy scenes between the hero and the heroine. I smile at their confession of love until I'm interrupted by a shadow lingering next to me. I drop my book, eyes raking in the handsome but older man standing above me wearing a cheeky grin. 

"Can I help you?" I ask, not rudely but purely out of confusion. Leon sits up beside me, leaning on an elbow as he watches the interaction. 

"Maybe, or maybe you could help me by grabbing a drink with me and making this man a little less lonely?" The older guy teases. It's ridiculous and kind of sad, but one look at Leon and his jealous glare tells me this might be a great idea. I nod, about to stand up until Leon's hand suddenly reaches out and grabs my thigh, his grip is firm and possessive, and reluctantly sends a fire through me. 

"I don't think she's the woman for you, maybe go bother someone a little less single-" Leon growls, but I shoot him a scathing look and whack his hand away before standing and narrowing my eyes at him for good measure. I grab the older guy's arm, smiling at him with my sweetest look. 

"Don't mind him, he's just being petty." I say, then I begin to tug the guy away and towards the beach bar, however we're not leaving alone. Leon shoots up, leaving our things as he storms his way over to follow us. I scoff, flipping Leon off behind my shoulder as I hear him catch up to us, then all of a sudden Leon grabs my hand, pulling me back and away from the guy's grip. The poor man looks confused and a little scared by the way Leon's murderous look cuts through him. 

"Trust me, it's not a good idea." Leon deeply says as a threat. The guy lets out a nervous chuckle, rubs his neck then walks backwards as he nods, then he spins on his heel as sand kicks up and rushes away from us. I stare at the guy's back for a beat, dumbfounded and annoyed. I turn to Leon, seeing his shoulders slump a little now that he's got me alone again. I let out a noise of frustration as I stamp back to where our things are, the good vibes now ruined. "You're just going to ignore me now? Pretend that I'm not here with you?" Leon calls out when I reach our spot. 

I clench my fists, spinning to poke a finger into that perfect chest of his. "Yeah, because you aren't here with me!" I shout, tone sharper than intended. Leon purses his lips, glancing away as if guilty, then when he looks back at me his face is softer, a flicker of vulnerability crosses his features as he licks his lips and replies. 

"Well whose fault is that?" He argues, voice raw. 

I let out a defeated huff, shaking my head as I slump down onto the sand, then I cross my arms a little childishly as I avoid Leon's eyes. "Yours." I admit, "You weren't even with me when we were together. Our relationship went so well, until it just...paused. It wasn't going anywhere, so I guess I had to, especially since you didn't love me enough-" 

Leon's eyes widen as I sneak a peek at him, "You think I didn't love you enough?" He cuts in, voice cracking with pain as he crouches down to my eye level, "I couldn't stand it when you broke up with me, I was so lost and terrified to even leave the house because I was waiting for you to come back to me. I still watched your social media and cheered you on from the side lines, I missed talking to you, listening to you. I love you so much, I came here hoping to win you back and rebuild what we lost!" He exclaims. My throat grows tight at his confession, the weight of his words wash over me like a tidal wave. 

"But one holiday doesn't change the past." I whisper, the sound of the ocean almost drowns out my words, but Leon hears me, he always does. 

Leon stares at me, looking uncertain for a second, then with trembling hands he reaches into the pocket of his dumb shorts, pulling out a small velvet box. "No, you're right, but this might," He cracks open the box to reveal an engagement ring I'd showed him once, "I was going to give this to you the night you broke up with me." He murmurs, face falling as if remembering my harsh words and the way I broke our hearts. My heart pounds as I reach out and touch the box, feeling guilty and confused, but most importantly, loved. With shaky hands Leon plucks the ring from the box and holds it out to me, his eyes drift to mine as a small half smile appears on his face. "Marry me, please. Give me one more chance to love you." He pleads. 

A tear falls down my cheek but dries up quick as I hold out my hand, nodding as I feel my lips turn up. "Yes," I choke out with a laugh and a sob, "I never stopped loving you Leon." Leon slips the ring onto my finger before closing the distance between us with a long and lingering kiss, behind us people cheer and clap, which eventually leads to the beach going wild. I'm embarrassed and cover my face with my hands until Leon tugs them back to press his forehead to mine as he kneels in the sand in front of me. 

One Year Later...

A year later Leon and I are at the same beach as when he proposed to me, in nearly the exact spot too. I sit in the sand with Leon's arm wrapped around me, but my hands are occupied with our baby daughter. I smile down at her as the sun begins to set in the distance, casting a ray of oranges and pinks in the sky, I marvel at how far we've come, and how I'm so glad I went on that vacation a year ago. The sound of seagulls and the waves seem to be keeping our baby asleep, giving me some much needed peace since she's a little chatterbox. Our daughter makes a small noise, wriggling in my arms until Leon leans down and kisses her chubby cheek, his finger grazes her arm as she settles once more. 

"This is so perfect, I've never been happier than I have with you and D/N." Leon smiles as I tilt my head to rest it on his shoulder. I nod, feeling the same way. 

"I'm so happy too, I just didn't think this would all happen so fast." I lightly laugh, remembering how we got married practically a month after getting back together. Only another month after that I found out Leon and I were having a baby. She's growing up too fast, I might have to convince Leon to have another. I look back up at the horizon, content as I sit with the two people I love most in the world. 

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