Middle of the Night Munching| Request

574 31 10

Something pokes my cheek, but I don't wake. Instead I roll over, feeling Leon's arm still draped around my middle. It pokes my cheek again, and this time my eyes open to the massive face of my five year old daughter staring at me. I frown, but then reality hits and I sit up, scanning her from head to toe for illness or signs of a nightmare. "Sweetie, what's wrong?" I whisper to not wake a stirring Leon. 

"I'm hungry." D/N mumbles, rubbing her eyes as her lip wobbles. I think back to dinner, remembering how she didn't eat much because she was too tired from playing too hard at the park, it makes sense that she's hungry now- and I can't fault her for it. I nod, letting out a small yawn as I notice it's coming up to two in the morning. Carefully I untangle myself from Leon's hold, he's always been a light sleeper and I thought it would stay the same since having a child, but in fact he's switched, instead he's now a mountain to move in the mornings. Though it could be because little miss Kennedy is a cheeky but loving handful. 

"Alright, let's go get something to eat." I smile, taking her hand as we quietly slip out of the room. She sticks close to me in the dark, littler hand clutching mine as we walk to the kitchen. I put on the light as she takes her usual seat at the kitchen table, patiently waiting for something to snack on. I rummage through the fridge and cupboards, unsure of what to make her. It'll be breakfast time soon, so nothing too big. "How about some cereal?" I ask her, once again yawning as she nods excitedly. 

"The rabbit one please!" She calls out, clapping her hands together. I huff a laugh at her enthusiasm and grab her plastic bowl and spoon, I bite my lip then decide to grab a bowl for myself since I want some kind of reward for getting up. I pour some of the 'rabbit' cereal in, which is actually just some chocolate flavoured bunny shapes, then add the milk before rounding the kitchen table, setting the bowls down as gently as I can since every noise echoes in the dead of night. D/N mumbles a thanks before digging in, her body wiggling as her happiness increases. I watch with a loving smile, enjoying the parts of me I see in her. 

"We've got to keep this a secret from daddy, don't we?" She whispers with a sly smile. I bite back a grin, she's so my kid. Admittedly it's a little thrilling having some secret time with her, she's always been a daddy's girl so it's nice that she seeked me out. I nod, indulging her by pressing a finger to my lips before we both giggle. We savour each bite together, enjoying our late night feast until the silence is shattered by the sound of footsteps. D/N's eyes widen as she grabs her bowl and hides it under the table. I muffle a laugh just as Leon comes in, rubbing his eyes as he stands in the doorway looking half asleep but amused. 

"So that's where my girls are." He mumbles playfully, yawning as he enters and comes to inspect the bowls. Our daughter brings her bowl onto the table as Leon narrows his eyes, leaning down and sniffling as our little girl giggles childishly as if being caught in the act. Leon takes a seat, leaning his chin on his hand as he watches us lovingly, "Good choice of snack, your mom used to be a human raccoon when you was in her tummy." Leon murmurs to our kid, smiling as her eyes widen as if being told a legendary fact. I snort, finishing the last spoonful. 

"You're interrupting our secret cereal meeting. Girls only." I tease, Leon holds up his hands, getting up to leave until D/N grabs his wrist, tugging him back down as my husband gives me a proud look. 

"You can be part of the secret. Just don't tell Hubert." D/N whispers. 

"The goldfish?" Leon chuckles, "I won't, I promise." 

Leon and I sit, waiting patiently for our daughter to finish eating. When she's done a massive yawn escapes her, so Leon and I nod to each other, knowing it's round two for bedtime. I stand and put the bowls and spoons in the sink as Leon scoops up our little girl, when he carries her to her room she shakes her head, gripping his shoulders as she points to our room. I nod when Leon looks to me for agreement, then with that we all end up under the covers, with D/N hugging me in the middle, and Leon reaching out for both of us. His lips meet my forehead just as D/N's breathing evens out. 

"I love you both so much, I'm so glad to have you both in my life. Sleep in tomorrow since you woke up with her, I'll handle breakfast." Leon softy murmurs as I close my eyes and nod, burrowing under the covers feeling loved and surrounded by the most important people of my life. 

"I love you too, we're lucky to have you Leon." 

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