Missing Paperwork and Hiding Under Desks

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I throw my coat across the sofa as I yawn and toe off my shoes, it's been a long day at work and my boss has given me more paperwork than I can handle, but I'd never admit it. I press my fingers to my head as I feel the beginnings of a headache forming. I spend the first few hours at home eating snacks for dinner whilst trying to get the reports done for tomorrow, but it soon becomes clear that it's not happening. My vision blurs as my head begins to throb to the point where I've got to call it a day and go to bed early. The last thing I think is how I'll wake up early to get the reports done. 

I wake up late. Cursing and gathering the scattered half finished files I stuff them into my bag and quickly get ready for the day before rushing to work, making it to my office in the White House only minutes later than expected. I settle down in a rush, grabbing my morning coffee and trying to finish up the reports. Soon enough people around the offices begin to come and check in on me, since I'm usually so professional and on top of things. I smile and wave their concerns off, whilst narrowly avoiding my boss at all costs. At one point I even have to duck into the bathroom as he stalks down the corridors. I could simply be upfront and tell him the truth, but I promised that the files would be complete by the afternoon- I can't bear to let him down. At least not in person. 

After that near disaster I rush back to my office only for Marcy from next door to knock and alert me that my boss was searching for me, and that he doesn't look to happy. My nerves and doubts were already in shambles at that point, so hearing his disappointment in me only made my insane theatrics worse. I gather the remaining few files I've got left to finish in my arms along with a few pens and my phone, then run. I search the offices, getting odd looks from colleagues as they glance up from their desks, but there's only one person I'd trust to get me out of this sticky situation. With the grace of a bull I fling myself through Leon's office door and slam it closed behind me, panting and wide eyed as I meet his gaze. 

"Spider in your office?" He teases, not seeming bothered as he goes back to his work. I try to catch my breath as I shake my head and stumble towards his desk. 

"I was supposed to get these files ready for Spacer but I felt too ill last night to finish them, and now he wants my head." I fill in, feeling even more guilty. Leon's hand pauses as he writes something, he looks up at me slowly, eyes assessing my face as if searching for the invisible illness. 

"Are you still feeling ill? If you need to go home-" He softly begins with a kindness he only reserves for me. I shake my head, slumping onto the chesterfield seat opposite him. I plaster on a smile, swiping my hair away from my face. 

"No, it was just a migraine, but...shit, can you hear that?" I mumble, ears pricking as I hear the distinct voice of my boss calling my name. My eyes widen as Leon's brows knit together, suddenly my panic consumes me and I stand up, clutching the files as I look for a place to hide. Leon, who's always had my back, chuckles as he scoots his chair back and nods for me to duck under the desk. I don't think about the stupidity of it as I crawl under his desk and gather myself into a ball, bringing my knees to my chest as Leon eases his chair towards me, his desk hides me completely from Spacer. It's oddly cosy as I listen to Leon's scribbles and breathing, there's a silence before there's a harsh knock at his office door, seconds later my boss comes in like a man on a mission. 

"Have you seen her?" Spacer demands. 

Leon waits a beat before replying. "Who?" He casually says. 

"Y/N. She's been missing all morning, and hasn't handed in the files she promised to deliver. I swear that woman's purposely trying to avoid me." 

"Maybe she is. What deadline did you give her on the work?" Leon asks, sounding a little defensive on my behalf. 

"What? That doesn't matter, she's more than capable at-"

Leon clears his throat, even from down hear I can imagine he tensing of his jaw as his hackles rise. He leans forwards, knees closing in on me as I lean back and hold my breath. "Sir, with all due respect, Y/N's always been a smart and professional asset to our team, she's constantly giving up her evenings to keep up with the ridiculous workload you give her, I know nobody else stands up for her, so let me give you a piece of my mind; you're taking advantage of her kindness and dedication to this job, I personally think you need to give up your visits to the bar every night and maybe start actually doing your part instead of handing it off to Y/N." 

A blush rises in my cheeks at Leon defending my honour, I smile, glad that he's said what I could never bring up. Spacer splutters, clearly unprepared for the push back Leon's given him. "I...you...If you see her, tell her she's got another few days to finish the files."

"Will do, now if you don't mind..." Leon says, a hint of amusement in his tone. I muffle a laugh as Spacer takes orders from Leon, walking out and closing the door behind him. The second he's gone Leon begins to chuckle as he moves the chair back and lets me out, I climb out, laughing until tears run down my cheeks. Leon grins at me, blue eyes twinkling as I fix my pencil skirt and blouse. 

"That was..."

"Well overdue. Seriously Y/N, you can't let him keep walking all over you." Leon says, handing me a tissue. I take it, wiping my eyes and mascara as I nod, then I perch against his desk, chewing on my lip. Leon's face softens as he reaches out, placing a hand over mine. "I know you love this job, but don't let it consume you, remember to let loose and relax every now and then." 

I nod, then point to the seat opposite his desk. "Mind if I stay and finish the files?" Leon gives me an incredulous look as he nods. I sit and resume working on the files with Leon working opposite me, every now and then we chat but by the end of the hour I've managed to finish the overdue work. I lean back, sighing just as my stomach grumbles. I blush, but Leon heard it. His lips twitch as he sets down his pen and stands up, grabbing his suit jacket and wallet. 

"Come on, let's get some lunch, you owe me one from earlier." He fondly says, holding out a hand. I take it, letting him pull me up. 

"You want me to buy you lunch?" I ask, arching a brow. Leon shakes his head, dark hair falling over his forehead as he smirks at me. 

"I want you to let me take you to lunch." 

My eyes widen, but I don't hate the idea, if anything it feels like it's been a long time coming. I nod, smiling as he holds the door for me. On the way out I quickly make a detour to Spacer's office, passing him the files with a soft smile. He scans them, nodding at my detailed work whilst Leon leans against the doorframe behind me, looking like some bodyguard. Spacer's eyes flick between Leon and I before he speaks. 

"You've done amazing work lately, I think it's time for you to start taking this easier, less strain, you know?" Spacer mumbles, not sounding at all genuine, but for once I take the offer and nod. 

"Okay, well if that's the case I'd love to use my holiday days next month, if that's alright....?" I nervously ask. Spacer opens his mouth until Leon clears his throat behind me, I turn to see Leon smiling like the cat who's got the canary. 

"Yeah, sounds fine to me." Spacer swallows. With that Leon and I leave the office, both grinning as we head out to grab lunch together. 

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