Cooped With the CEO| Request

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I take a deep breath before stepping into my newest rival's building. After so much success in a city far away I decided it would be beneficial to expand my horizons, here I could reach a wider audience and increase my profits whilst finally living the lavish life I've been working hard to achieve. In this city I can splurge and make a home, but first I needed to scope out the competition. Kennedy Enterprises looks as uptight and polished as I'd expected, none of the busy bees even smile at me as my heels echo around the main hall. The security gives me one look before letting me into the elevator and up to see my destined enemy, Leon Kennedy, fellow CEO and neighbour to my new building just a block away. 

I arrive at the highest floor of the building, which straight away opens into a massive open floor space. There's potted plants and bookshelves, the floor to ceiling windows give a beautiful view of the city beyond- including my own building- then just there, right in the middle of the room is none other than the infamous Leon. My breath catches as he lifts his head and meets my gaze, his own blue eyes widen a fraction as he takes me in, but then just as fast as it came he begins to scowl at me, giving me a once over that makes my blood run cold. "So you're the kid trying to play me at my own game, hm?" He asks rhetorically, standing up and fixing his suit and tie. I swallow, debating on giving a snarky response, but I genuinely did come here with no ill intentions other than to observe and learn. 

Ignoring Leon's coldness I walk to him and hold out a hand whilst plastering a kind smile on my face. "Hello, I'm Y/N  Y/L/N, it's nice to meet you. By the way, I'm no kid, I'm only a few years younger than yourself." I nervously laugh. Despite being a CEO I've yet to fully gain control over my aversion to strangers. Leon's brow arches as he assess me once more, watching me with noticeable distaste. My hand aches from holding it out for so long, so I let it drop as frustration begins to build within me. I rock back on my heels, feeling awkward as Leon sighs and shakes his head. 

"It doesn't matter." He mumbles. 

"Because age is just a number and anyone can achieve their goals with hard work?" I too cheerfully joke. His face swivels in my direction, an incredulous look crosses his features as he snorts unkindly. 

"No." He pointedly replies. "It's because in just a few months your business will fail and you'll find yourself unable to compete with me Y/N." I blink at him, any lingering nice feelings towards him take a nosedive out of the window. I cross my arms, levelling him with a glare. 

"I'm sorry you think that Mr Kennedy," I smile as I turn around and press the button for the elevator, "I hope you remember your words when I feed you them in a few months. Until then," thankfully the elevator arrives for my moment, "may the best company skyrocket." The doors close behind me, but I briefly see Leon's look of surprise and hint of amusement. As I descend I begin to think of the ways I'm going to take his stupid profits and make them disappear. I'll show him just how easily I can keep up with his sexy yet egotistical ass. 

It didn't help that we were practically neighbours, that meant that we had to share the city and it's reaping's. Sometimes we'd cross paths in the streets, glaring at each other like school children, and other times we'd choose the same café to eat at, often bickering about which order is ours and who was in line first. At formal events and networking parties we'd share snarky comments and childishly dance with each other just to prove an invisible point. I begun to look forward to seeing Leon just to insult or spite him, and in return he often seeked out my presence to remind me about how his company was doing better than mine. We were like magnets, drawn together with an odd mix of animosity and ambition. 

It wasn't until a massive media scandal threatened to take my company under that I was forced to turn to my greatest enemy. 

I sit in the café I've been frequenting for months, it's dark outside and my coffee is ice cold, the place is nearly empty and I've been staring at the table for hours to wrack my brain for ideas, but none have come to mind. Tears prick my eyes at my failure, it wasn't even my fault that this happened, it all begun with gossip from a third company starting up across the city, but Kennedy Enterprises soon crushed them before they could even start. The lingering affects on my company however are still very much alive. The bell to the door chimes, I look up to see Leon walking in, suit ruffled and hair mussed as if he's been running his fingers through it, yet his face looks stern. I sniffle, wiping my cheeks to hide the tears, but as soon as his eyes land on mine his entire demeanour shifts, his shoulders tense as his face softens, then he rushes to my table, sitting opposite me as his mouth opens and closes. 

"What's wrong?" He murmurs, swallowing as I huff a laugh and shake my head, unable to speak. He sits, waiting for me to compose myself a little before I talk. 

"You were right." I whisper, voice thick. His brows furrow together in confusion as I scoff at him. "My business is done for, I'm barely earning enough to keep it afloat, and the reputation is-" My voice cracks, and I swallow back a sob. Leon suddenly reaches out, putting his hand over the top of mine. I don't point it out, instead I allow the affection, needing something to not make me feel like I've done everything wrong. "Fuck, I can't believe I lost to you." I add. 

Leon's lips purse together. "You didn't." He mumbles barely loud enough for me to hear. I look into his eyes, blinking at his revelation. "A couple weeks ago your profits were 1.2 percent higher than mine. Until..." He leads off, we both know words aren't needed for my downfall. My eyes widen as I realise I did beat him, but I was too focused on the scandal to notice it. My lips turn up at the joy, until I remember that it was only temporary. 

"Well in the long run you still won." I whisper, pulling my hand back and getting up. Leon stays seated even as I grab my coat and walk out, heading back to my dark and lonely office to bask in the time I've still got left in it. Halfway down the street I hear footsteps, I look behind me to see Leon running to catch up, eyes twinkling as a small smile plays on his lips. I don't need a lecture right now, so I turn back and speed walk to my building, but Leon stops me just outside of it, grabbing my hand and spinning me around. 

"It doesn't have to be like this, there's a way for you to still keep your company." Leon says with more cheer than I've ever heard from him, "We can make a deal, if I offer you my support and invest in your company, in the long run I'll receive let's say twenty percent of the profits." It's a damn good deal, but that means stomping on my pride and accepting help. I can either choose my independence or my beloved business. 

"Why would you help me?" I ask hopefully, as if there's some underlying meaning to his offer, I pull Leon into my building for the first time. He follows me wordlessly to the elevator as he replies casually, shoving his hands into his pockets. 

"It'd be beneficial for my bank account." 

The doors open and I storm down the corridor and into my cosy office, feeling embarrassed and angry for feeling any kind of affection towards him for a split second. I spin on Leon, pointing a finger at his chest. "Just when I thought you'd grown a heart-" I can't finish, because all of a sudden Leon grabs my waist and pulls me to his chest, kissing me with pent up passion. I melt into his embrace, kissing him back just as fiercely until he backs me to my desk, lifting me up and setting me onto it as my legs wrap around his waist, he groans, and that breaks the spell on me. I pull back, eyes wide and panting as I stare at him. 

"I like having you around. It's been fun being your rival, but I think we'd make better business partners, and...more." He murmurs deeply, making my heart skip a beat. I open and close my mouth, only the hum of the air con fills the room until I nod, holding out a hand. 

"It's a deal, but only if you use your new profits to buy me lunch and take me on a date." 

Leon chuckles, and it's the most delicious thing I've ever heard. He nods, leaning down for another kiss. From that day forwards our rivalry is nearly non-existent, we still bicker about the direction of our business and argue over where to eat for lunch, but there's also positives too. We visit each other and attend galas together as a couple, the scandal soon gets wiped away and replaced with the news of our relationship and later engagement. Only a year after dating we go halves on a penthouse in the city, not far from our work, and we realise we never really hated each other at all, we're just two competitive individuals who didn't realise we were madly in love. 

𝓛𝓮𝓸𝓷 𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓭𝔂| ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇꜱ ʙᴏᴏᴋ 4Where stories live. Discover now