Grandma's Flowerbeds

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 AN: I loved writing the previous 'grandma' imagine, so here's another one!


"Leon, would you mind lending me your muscles to help build a small flowerbed for my garden? I know it's a bit of an ask..." Grandma's eyes twinkled mischievously as she glanced at my boyfriend, who stood tall and ready for the challenge. We'd only arrived here at her house a few minutes ago and already my grandma's plans are falling into place. She gives me a smile, at least that explains why she told me to bring Leon today, sneaky woman. It's early afternoon, the sun is shining and summer is just around the corner, grandma's garden is already looking like an oasis, but she's always adding more to it since she spends so much time out here. 

Leon smiles politely, nodding as he spots the giant box sitting on the grass at the end of the garden, it's a DIY flowerbed, and hopefully shouldn't take too long. "Yeah sure, I don't mind." He responds, quickly kissing the side of my head before going over to the box. Grandma shuffles to my side with a smile, both of us watching as he kneels by the box and begins pulling out the wood and other parts to build it. We begin to catch up, standing in the sunlight, as Leon gets to work setting the pieces up before seeking out a screwdriver from my grandma's shed. Eventually we end up getting too warm and head inside to make her famous homemade strawberry milkshakes. We chat- well she pries into mine and Leon's relationship like a little gossiper- whilst preparing the fruit and ingredients, then she waves me out of the way to finish up making them, insisting I should go check on Leon. 

I go back outside, greeted by the glorious view of a sweaty hardworking Leon. His hair is plastered to his face as he wrestles with some wood and screws, forearms working hard as he uses the screwdriver to connect the planks of wood together. I stand there watching him, dazed by his handsomeness and the way his tee sticks to his muscles. "If only I were in my prime again..." Grandma sighs from behind me, her eyes oogling my boyfriend before she gives me a wink. I snort at her confidence, taking the pink glasses from her before heading over to Leon. He looks up at me from where he's knelt on the grass, one hand covering the top of his face to block the sunlight. 

"I bring gifts." I muse, passing him a glass. He takes it with a thanks, downing it as if it's a shot rather than a milkshake. I laugh, perching on the grass as he sets the glass aside and continues working. 

"How's the interview? She ask about us getting married and having kids yet?" Leon fondly asks, grinning as I nod and smile along with him. 

"Only a few times. I told her we're waiting for the right moment." 

"Hm." Leon agrees, a knowing look in his eyes. I don't comment or pry into it more, instead I continue our conversation. 

"She said you were hot." I tell him as I bite back a smirk, I shrug as I sip my milkshake. Leon bursts out laughing, eyes crinkling as he runs a hand through his damp strands. 

"Yeah? I hope you're not jealous of your grandma, to be honest if she wasn't related to you I'd definetly marry her for these milkshakes every day." He jokes, at least I hope he's joking. We fall into some peaceful silence, surrounded by the buzzing of eager bees and the occasional bird chirp, the sun makes me sleepy and the view of Leon's clothes sticking to him is enough to keep me occupied. After an hour or so the flowerbed is finally done, and grandma comes back to smile and clap her hands together. 

"Oh Leon, it's wonderful!" She exclaims. Leon practically purrs at the praise, standing up so she can half hug his side. It's so sweet the way they get along. "Let me buy us all some lunch, we can go to my favourite café down the road. I'll grab my purse." Grandma adds, already rushing away before anyone can protest. Leon huffs a laugh as he wraps an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close as we walk across the garden and back into grandma's house. The whole walk to the café Leon insists that grandma doesn't need to buy him anything, but the old woman is stubborn and refuses to let him pay. I just hover in the middle of them, hand in hand with Leon as she tells us about her neighbours and some coffee mornings she's been to recently. We reach the quaint café quickly, straight away we're greeted by some of grandma's friends and the owners who seem to know her well. I listen as she gushes about me to her friends, introducing Leon and I to the other older ladies. They all seem to share grandma's enthusiasm about Leon's stunning looks and muscles. He plays it off with that confidence and charm of his, flirting back with them jokingly. 

We find a table and Leon goes to order for us all, reluctantly accepting grandma's money that she kept passing to him and he kept refusing. It went on for a few minutes until she shoved it into his pockets and gave him the look. Grandma once again talks to her friends from the table next to us as I gaze out of the window, watching the people go by in this cute little town, it's small but cosy, somewhere I'd love to live someday. When Leon gets back my stomach growls, then we dig in to sandwiches, cakes and fresh lemonade. We stay there for an hour or so, Leon's head rests on my shoulder, the work, food and sun finally catching up to him, until grandma suggests "popping" along to the nursery across the street to buy some new plants for her new flowerbed. I half expect Leon to decline, but my grandma has him wrapped around her pinkie. 

"Sure, we could do with some new plants too, right honey?" He asks me. I shrug, Leon's the one who's more bothered about the garden than I am. On the way my grandma and Leon discuss gardening techniques and share tips about growing tomatoes, I trail behind, watching their lively interaction and the way he helps her up a steep curb. At the nursery my grandma practically picks up every set of pansies and other flowers she sees, passing them to Leon as he juggles with them all. I laugh until I get roped into carrying some as well, but at least grandma offers to pay for our new houseplants we picked out. 

"Are these enough? Oh don't forget you've got that blue plant pot near the door." Leon says to my grandma. 

"Oh yes, I'll just get another couple then." She replies, adding even more plants to Leon's tower of blossoms. The walk back to her house is almost comedic, grandma leads in front of our trio, only carrying a new watering can that was on discount, whilst Leon and I rely on her vision as we blindly follow, careful not to drop any of her precious plants. When we're back in her garden we put all the plants down, both sweating and exhausted from the efforts. "I'll get to work on planting these tomorrow." Grandma smiles, looking at the pots. Leon's brows furrow, and already I can tell what he's about to say. 

"We can come back and do it for you tomorrow if that makes things easier? It's supposed to be hot and I don't want you getting too tired or anything." Leon softly replies, sweetly smiling at her. She nods, looking to me with a twinkle in her eye. 

"Hurry up and marry him, or I will." 

I gasp, then laugh as Leon wraps an arm around my waist. "Sorry G/N, I'm a taken man." Leon smoothly says, kissing my head as I look at them both. In that moment I feel grateful for the simple moments like these that I can look back on and laugh at, they're full of connection and love, I wouldn't trade them for anything. 

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