Nose Bleed Nervousness

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I finish reorganising mine and Leon's shelf book of books, DVD's and odd trinkets, we've both been collectors for a while and a sort out was well overdue. I stand, frowning as my nose begins to feel tingly, seconds later I feel a small trickle fall down to my lip. Thinking nothing of it I brush it away with the back of my hand until I see the red, and just like that my nose suddenly begins pouring out of blood, it's too fast for me to catch it all as I cup a hand over my nose. "Shit." I mumble, looking down at the amount of blood in my hand. I rush to the kitchen, grabbing some tissue before holding it to my nose. I haven't had a nosebleed in years so I'm a little shocked and panicky.

"Y/N?" Leon asks, concern lacing his voice as he stands behind me, a hand on my waist as I turn and look at him. Straight away his eyes widen to the size of saucers as he takes in the blood on my hands, shirt and probably chin. I look like something from a horror movie. "Oh fuck," He mumbles, springing into action as if terrified on my behalf despite seeing worse on his most boring work days, "just go sit down, let me get you a softer cloth." He points to the sofa, nudging my hip so I get moving. I would huff a laugh if I didn't feel on edge about this whole unexpected surprise. I sit down like instructed, peeling the tissue away from my face and seeing it's damp and soggy with red. My vision blurs at the sight of the amount of blood loss, but I know it looks worse than it actually is.

"Leon?" I call out, flow from my nose ongoing as I try to use the used tissue once more. However just in time Leon appears in the room, almost tripping over his own feet as he waves up a fresh cloth and rushes towards me, he perches on the coffee table opposite me as I try and reach for the cloth. Leon shakes his head, softly swatting my outstretched hand away as he lifts the soft fabric to my nose and carefully pinches my nostrils. I give him my best pointed look as we sit there in silence, with his fingers squeezing my nose. "I don't think this is necessary, I can do it myself." I nasally say with a smile, but when some blood from my nose drips to the back of my throat I stop and swallow with a grimace.

"I know." He smiles tenderly, "It's just scary seeing you bleeding like that, it makes me think of you being hurt." He mumbles as he glances away. At least now I know why this deadly man is suddenly freaking out over my nosebleed. I use my clean hand to reach up and stroke his wrist in a silent comfort. For the first time I notice his hands are trembling ever so slightly.

"It's okay, I'm not hurt or anything. I actually used to get nosebleeds all the time when I was little, so I'm not worried, which means you shouldn't be either." I reassure him softly, pulling back as he nods more to himself. I too begin to relax now that the shock is wearing off, and we sit there once more in silence until a few minutes later. Leon hesitantly pulls the cloth away, eyes narrowing as he leans down to look up my nose, I laugh, feeling no more trickles or fuzziness. It's over.

"Looks like it's stopped. I need to get you clean up though." Leon murmurs, "Are you feeling okay?" I nod, giving him a thumbs up as he surveys the damage. Once satisfied he disappears for a second before coming back with another cloth, this one damp from water. "Hold out your hands." He orders. I smile as he carefully lifts my hands and wipes away the dried blood with a gentleness that makes my heart flutter, afterwards he leans down, kissing the top of my hand before then moving onto my neck, chin and around my nose, then he gives my forehead a kiss too. "Good as new."

I look down at my favourite shirt, sighing at the red stains that basically say its ruined. "I loved this shirt." I grumble, standing up as I peel it over my head to throw in the bin, but Leon takes it from my hands first, inspecting it before humming to himself.

"I can save it, I'm an expert at getting rid of bloodstains." He winks at me, though the comment throws me off. I don't know whether to comfort him or laugh, I end up letting out a small huff of a laugh, shrugging as he takes the top and sets it on the counter for now. I quickly go into the bedroom, putting on a fresh shirt then come out to see Leon smirking at me, that smile a familiar one. I groan, tilting my head.

"Let's hear it."

His eyes widen in surprise for a second, then he wiggles his eyebrows as he strolls towards me, grabbing my hips. "I once had a nosebleed in the shower," He murmurs, "it was a blood bath." He chuckles at his own joke, but I roll my eyes, grinning as I reach into my toes and peck his lips.

"That was terrible, but since you've been good to me I'll let it slide." I tease. Leon then launches into another nosebleed joke, which makes me think he quickly found these online for the two seconds I was gone. I warm at his efforts and care for me, the memory of our panic and my bleeding long behind us as we fall into conversation and begin preparing dinner. I know that no matter what crazy things might happen to us, as long as we were with each other we could deal with them, with some humour, love and a little bit of panic.

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