Behind The Badge| Request

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AN: I had a request to write an imagine where the Raccoon Police Station is featured on a reality TV show similar to the show COPS. I've never seen that particular one, but I've seen other police shows so I've hopefully got the right idea! 


I pour in the rest of the ingredients for dinner just as the front door to our apartment opens. I can tell its Leon just by the way he tosses his keys into the dish by the door and toes off his shoes. Usually after his shifts at the RPD he drags his feet across the carpet from fatigue, but tonight his steps are light and energetic, he quickly rushes to me as I stir the pan, looking over my shoulder at his excited grin. 

"Hey baby, I've got some amazing news..." He cheerfully exclaims, holding my waist as I laugh at his exaggeration and tilt my head so he can press a kiss to my cheek, "the station has been offered a spot on that famous cop show we sometimes watch." 

I gasp, eyes widening as I set down the spoon and turn in Leon's arms. "No way, the one that airs every Friday? That one?" I ask in disbelief, unsure if I heard him right. Leon nods with passion, wiggling his eyebrows as I lift my head to give him another quick kiss. I melt into his touch until I smell dinner getting overcooked, so reluctantly I turn and get back to cooking as Leon leans against the counter to watch me with a soft smile. "That's amazing, when is it being recorded?" 

Leon begins telling me the details as I finish cooking and serving up dinner, I listen intently as he explains the specifics and the sum of money he'll receive if he consents to being on TV. There's no doubt in my mind that Leon's anything less than amazing at work, he loves his job and takes pride in it, but I can't help but to wonder if the rest of the country will be as nice. "What's wrong?" Leon gently says once we finish eating, he takes my hand over the table, thumb smoothing the back of it as I pinch my lips together. Leon gives me a look, basically telling me to spit it out. 

"I'm just...I don't doubt you, I never will, I just don't want you to feel pressured with the recording and when it premieres. I know you're a fantastic cop, but there's a lot of people out there who like to judge just because it makes them feel better. I'd hate for a bad reaction to happen from anywhere, that's all." Leon's brows furrow as if he hadn't considered all of that, and then a look of confusion crosses his features. I squeeze his hand, earning his gaze once more. "If you're happy to go for it, then I say do it." I smile reassuringly. Leon's sure smile returns as he nods and stands up, taking our plates as he kisses the top of my head. 

"Thank you for caring, I can't wait for us to watch the episode together in a few months' time." 

When the evening of his episode premiere arrives Leon's a nervous wreck. All morning he paces back and fourth, going from chewing his nail and regretting his choice to then feeling excited about the prospect of getting recognition for his hard work. I'm there through it all, calming him down as I try to make the most of this special event. I ask Leon to go get us a few snacks from the store, writing him a list of precise items I want, then send him on his merry way. In the meantime I quickly set up the apartment, putting up balloons and a banner I made that reads 'best cop ever!' I decorate the TV with fairy lights and ensure the living room is as cosy as possible for our watch later tonight. 

When Leon comes home he stills, taking in the surprise with a literal jaw dropped expression. I stifle a laugh as I walk to his side, wrapping an arm around his waist as he grins. "This all for me?" He whispers with awe. I nod, reaching up to kiss his cheek before he drops the bags and lifts me up, hugging me tightly as I giggle and nuzzle into him. When the evening arrives the snacks are set out on the coffee table as well as the pizza and drinks, Leon sits by my side on the sofa as I switch off the lights and turn on the lamp, the show's starting in a matter of minutes and I've never seen Leon so unsure. 

I take his hand in mine, smiling as he holds his breath as the beginning intro starts up. "It's going to be great, I know it." I assure him. The show begins with a rundown of the city and Raccoon Police Station. The narrator talks about the crime rate and some glimpses of what to expect, I watch with eagle eyes until out of the blue a clip of Leon driving his police cruiser at a high speed appears. I gasp, leaning forwards too quick and catching myself before I tip as I point at the screen grinning. "That's you!" I excitedly shout, clapping my hands as Leon laughs and blinks at the screen. 

"Yeah, I didn't know they were using that case." He says with a shrug. I settle back as we watch half of the show which displays other officers- some of Leon's work friends- as well as a special segment of the S.T.A.R.S unit. Jill Valentine and her partner Chris Redfield take down a major drug bust on the edge of the city, looking badass as they go in with weapons raised. Leon smiles, chewing on his lip until finally his part begins to play. It starts like the others, a short clip of him introducing himself and spilling a few facts, already I know I don't have to be worried that people won't like him, I have to be worried too many people will. He's an absolutely adorable heartthrob. The next clip is of Leon getting into the police car, receiving a radio message about some thief in a getaway car. Immediately Leon speeds from the station, sirens blasting as he rounds street corners and swerves through traffic until the black car he's after is in view. I cheer him on despite the same man being sat next to me, Leon just laughs, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as he grabs a handful of popcorn and M&M's. 

"Yes! Get him!" I call to the TV. On the screen Leon's focused, jaw clenched as he forces the other car to the side, edging the criminal down a dead end. The black car skids to a stop just as Leon slows the cruiser and gets out. The camera angle changes to him aiming a gun at the thief who's wearing at least ten expensive necklaces and rings. He looks ridiculous and I can't help but to snort at him. Leon chuckles beside me. 

"Yeah, definetly one of my more memorable moments of my career." He jokes. I watch as Leon arrests the guy, as he waits for backup he asks the criminal why he did it in a kind manner, then the show moves onto another final case. I don't care about the rest as I turn to Leon, grinning as he smiles, looking more confident now. I wrap my arms around him tightly, savouring his warmth and strength as he hugs me back, burying his face into my hair. 

"I'm so proud of you Leon, truly." I whisper. Leon huffs a laugh to play off his feelings, he mumbles some form of a thanks then pulls out a small bracelet from his pocket, pulling away to clasp it onto my wrist. I gasp at the pretty gems and look up at him in confusion. 

"I bought it with the money I got from the show-"

"You didn't have to-"

"I know. I wanted to though, you deserve it Y/N. If it weren't for your support all these years I wouldn't be where I am today, so really this is all thanks to you. I'm proud of you too, and I love you so much." 

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