His Favourite Secretary

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Working as Agent Leon S. Kennedy's secretary isn't as bad as I initially thought it would be, the office atmosphere is always bustling with activity when he's here doing reports or paperwork, but everyone knows that he's better suited to the field, hence why I was hired to help him out. Leon made it clear on the first day that I shouldn't look up to him like I have my previous employers, I wasn't some tool or machine, and Leon assured me that I could confide and talk to him like a friend. From that first day I knew that very soon I'd find myself falling for the man who I called my boss. 

I step into the office as usual on Tuesday morning, noticing how Leon's eyes assess me from where he sits at his desk. I swallow back the butterflies arising, knowing that somehow he's developed an understanding of my moods based on my appearance. I smile, waiting for the charming comment about my outfit. 

"Looking professional, guessing we mean to get a lot of work done today?" He jokingly says with a sigh, leaning back in his chair. I nod, glad my high heels are muffled by the carpet as I pace his office gathering the reports I need him to sign off, I set them out last night despite him telling me to go home an hour earlier. 

"It sure does, we've got to get these done for Spacer," I say, setting the smile pile down in front of Leon as he arches an amused brow at me, "and these are for you to read through and get yourself familiar with, I think these cases might come into your hands soon." I finish telling him. Leon's eyes linger on my face for a beat too long before he nods and grabs a pen, a silent sign that he's ready to get on with work. I sit opposite him and read through the numerous letters and notes from phone calls that I need to catch up with, I sigh at the overwhelming amount of tasks the government needs Leon to do, knowing full well he can't be in two places at once. I rummage through the calendar, prioritising events where Leon's needed and writing them down, before coming across another more important one that I have to scribble over and replace. 

Leon glances up at me every so often, knowing how my job seems simple but if I mess up even once it could lead to less security where its needed. I've not made any mistakes yet, but it only takes one to possibly lead to fatalities or disasters. "Hey, Y/N, take a breather," Leon softly says, expression full of worry, "you're not a one-woman show, I'm here too, so let's do this together." I frown, already arguing that he's too busy to help me, but Leon stands up despite my protests and drags his chair next to mine. It's a tight fit around this side of the desk, our arms bump into each other and I can smell his expensive cologne every time he moves. Leon picks up the notes and sets them all out, moving pen pots and top secret files out of the way to make space. 

"Leon, this is my job, you've already got more thing to do-" 

"Shh," He grins at me, gesturing to the notes now lined up, "now, let's put them in order of dates then we'll narrow down where I'm needed and when, that way we can see what clashes and what can be replied to." He calmly says. I take a deep breath, feeling more in control and less overwhelmed as Leon helps me. Admittedly he's more the professional and knows by heart what kind of events he should and shouldn't be needed at, which makes my day's worth of work done in the space of two hours. When we're done it's coming up to lunch time, and my stomach grumbles, earning a laugh from Leon as he stands and fixes the mess we've made. 

"I'm going to grab lunch now, if that's okay? Do you want me to get your regular?" I ask, grabbing my purse, but Leon shakes his head as he pulls out his wallet and passes me a black card. 

"My treat," He murmurs, "and yes please, I'd love my regular, don't forget to get yourself something, and maybe a dessert too, you deserve it." I begin to argue again, but he holds up a finger to silence me. "Don't argue with your boss." He grins playfully. I snort, rolling my eyes as I head to the door. 

"Can't believe you pulled that card." I mutter as I smile, feeling warmth coursing through me at the act of kindness. I reluctantly get us lunch and something sweet to go along with it, choosing two cupcakes at a small café not far from work. By the time I get back to the office Leon's jacket is off and his hair is messed up as if he's been running a hand through it, his shirtsleeves are rolled up to his elbows and I'm sure I actually feel my heart skip a beat. He looks up at me from his desk, smiling at the bag of food as if he hasn't just made me swoon. 

We sit together and eat, chatting about regular things as we take a break, acting more like friends than anything. He makes me laugh with stupid jokes and listens to some problems I've been having lately, giving me good advice and being a great listener. All too soon we're back to work, with he now helping him sign off various files and set them aside. We stay late, ensuring that the more we do today the less we'll have to do tomorrow, and by the time we leave it's later than I've ever stayed at work and raining like crazy. 

"Can I drive you home? It'll be safer than walking, and I can't imagine anything bad happening to my favourite secretary." Leon asks softly as we stand outside in the torrential rain. I chew on my lip, glancing at the long driveway behind me. Leon's driven me home before, but it's always been in the daytime when I need to leave early or when there's bad weather, this time it's just because he wants to. I reluctantly not and we rush to his car, getting in as he blasts on the heaters to dry us off. I feel out of place against the sleek leather seats and posh console, but Leon doesn't even seem to notice. 

Leon drives towards my house until the rain gets so bad he can't keep driving, with a curse he pulls over to the side of the road. The drops batter the car until it feels suffocating, but it also shields us from the rest of the world, as if creating a cocoon where only Leon and I exist. 

"Sorry, I should have just walked-" I begin, but Leon shakes his head, reaching out to grab my thigh. 

"I'm glad you're here with me. You always are." He murmurs, eyes finding mine in the near darkness. I swallow, heart pounding as his thumb circles, making my breath hitch. 

"Leon, I-" His lips quiet me as his hand reaches up, cupping the back of my head as he deepens our first kiss. It's electrifying and full of yearning, I let a whimper slip free as I lean closer to him, trying to get more than he's giving. Our boundaries fade away as I undo my seatbelt and climb over to settle on his lap, though I could argue that Leon's tugging hands had something to do with it. We roam each others bodies, hands learning the shapes and curves until Leon pulls back breathlessly, eyes searching my face for any sign of regret. 

"If we take this further there's no way I'm recovering from this," He roughly says, "even if I have you a million times it'll never be enough. Tell me Y/N, are you sure you wanna do this?" 

I nod, this time shutting him up with a kiss of my own. The growl Leon lets out sends a thrill through me, and in no time my skirt is hiked up and my underwear rests somewhere in his backseat, Leon's pants are undone and his cock is free, hard and glistening. I lift my hips, guiding him to my entrance before sinking down on him. His hands grip my hips as I grind and move, bouncing as he guides me, our lips and teeth clashing to smother every whimper and moan. It's messy and well overdue. The rain drums against the car roof as we have this moment, finally recognising our feelings. His hips begin to thrust up, until he's mercilessly taking control. I'm done for, utterly gone and lost down the rabbit hole as he murmurs praises that make me clench around him, then finally I unravel. Leon follows soon after, whispering my name as his voice cracks. 

Afterwards we're hot and panting, the rain's let up enough now for us to part, but we don't. Instead I stay with Leon slowly softening inside of me, our lips tenderly meeting now as we smile and catch our breaths. "I'm with you, every single of those one million times you were talking about." I whisper as Leon's arms wrap around me and embrace me into a tight and nice hug. He nods, gently kissing my neck before helping me clean up and waiting for me to go back to my seat. Once we're on the road again we make a quick stop at a fast food drive-thru then snack on some fries and ice cream before he takes me home, but I pull him inside so we can get a head start on our million. 

The next day Leon and I arrive to work together, though we have to keep our relationship a secret we can still pose as good friends. I'm slightly sore from the previous night so Leon lets me take it easy, by reversing the roles and having me sit in his comfy chair as he paces around and brings me the files before asking for help. At lunch we go together, eating at a nice restaurant as if on a date, before heading back to his office for more work as well as more play. 

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