His Lucky Charm| Request

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AN: Since this is set in high school/ college I guess this is more of an AU? Either way, in this one Reader is the captain of the cheerleaders and Leon is the captain of the basketball team, both are already in a relationship!


I knew what the school thought of Leon and I- we were the power couple. The two destined for each other and the best match there is, especially since he's the charismatic captain of the basketball team and I'm the cute captain of the cheerleading squad. We both go hand in hand, our future bright despite us both soon graduating and going off in the world to embrace our lives, though we'd do it together, going against the presumptions that we'd break up soon. Leon and I have already made plans, we won't let the security net of high school be the only thing holding us together, not when we're strong and madly in love, it's cheesy but perfect. 

I currently stand in the school gymnasium, eyes scanning my squad as I try to plan the routine for Leon and The Raccoon's final game later this week. I haven't seen much of him since we've both been so busy with making sure the game goes according to plan on top of keeping up with homework and grades, but luckily we text each other whenever we can. I assess each girl's strong points, my mind going through every move we all know just as the doors to the gym open and the sound of footsteps capture my attention. I sigh, turning to find my boyfriend strolling across the court, a grin on his face as his blue eyes twinkle at me. Instantly my stress is replaced with excitement and admiration, quickly I turn and dismiss the team, calling for a break. Thankfully my girls are understanding, despite the stereotypes we're all a close knit group of friends who have equal roles to play in our squad. 

"Hey beautiful," Leon murmurs when he reaches me, a hand snaking around my waist as he pulls me in for a quick kiss, "looks like the routine is..." he leads off, wincing when he can't think of what to say. I snort a laugh, shrugging up a shoulder as I lean my body against his and look at the empty space where my squad was stood seconds ago. 

"It's coming along. Slowly." I fill in, smiling as Leon smiles down at me. I can't help but to reach up again, kissing him on the cheek before pulling away and fixing my outfit. "What are those?" I ask, pointing to the small bouquet of flowers he's poorly hiding behind his back.

 Leon winks, pulling them out from hiding and presenting them to me with a bow, even though he's the cool captain of the basketball team he's also kind of a cheesy dork, but everyone- including me- loves his down to earth and slightly awkward ways. "I thought they might brighten up your day, I know you've been working hard lately, but once this week's over things should settle down a bit." Leon softly says. 

 My smile lifts even further as I take them with a thanks before grabbing his hand and leading him to the bleachers where my bag is. Carefully I set them down, noticing from the corner of my eye how the girls are watching us with blushing faces and wide eyed expressions. I ignore the small pull of jealousy and possessiveness I feel, instead focusing on my boyfriend as we sit down together. His arm wraps around my shoulders as I drink some of my water, then we talk about our day's for a couple of minutes until he curses and checks his watch. I arch a brow as he quickly stands up, leaning down to kiss my forehead before he begins backing away. 

"Shit, I'm late for practice. I'll see you soon baby, if not then Friday night." He jogs across the court, but then stops and calls out "I'm taking you to dinner after the game, okay?" 

I laugh, nodding as he flashes me a grin then disappears. My squad comes back to me as soon as we're alone again, all of us talking about Leon and I until I'm forced to change the subject and get back to planning our routine. 

Later the same week, just a day before the final game, I decide to visit Leon after school where he's practicing with his team in the gym. The sound of shouts and squeaking sneakers echoes around the room, I'm barely noticed as I linger near the doorway, narrowly avoiding being hit with a stray ball. Leon's best friend, Chris, grins when he sees me. He wraps an arm around my shoulders, squeezing me to him as he walks us across the court. "Leeeooon," He playfully calls out, "your girlfriend's here!" Leon's team smiles at me, once again like with my friendship group, Leon's friends have all accepted me with open arms, albeit sweaty ones. Leon frowns as Chris, so the taller man unwraps himself from me with a chuckle as Leon jogs to me, picking me up and hugging me close even though he's sweaty and his hair is plastered to his forehead. 

"Hey mister champion," I tease, yelping as he sets me on his shoulders and crouches down, passing me an orange basketball, "you're in a good mood today?" I ask, taking the ball from him as his friends childishly pull faces at Leon from behind his back, making me giggle. The whole atmosphere is a mix of cheer and playfulness, 

"Yeah, things are going pretty good. Here, let's see if you can be on the bench tomorrow night, I've heard Burton might not be able to make it." Leon grins up at me as I steady myself with ease. I hum, raising the ball and throwing it into the net, scoring as everyone hollers. I laugh, barely holding on as Leon jumps with me still on his shoulders. As soon as he sets me down our lips crash into a kiss, once again earning the childish vomit noises from his friends as they give us some room. "Perfect." Leon mumbles against my lips, but he's not talking about the dunk. 

"Good luck for tomorrow night, I wanted to say it now since the pre-game rituals and things are always so chaotic and busy. I know you're going to win." I murmur, cupping his jaw as he leans into my touch. We share a few loving words until his friends beckon him to resume their practice, so reluctantly I leave, heading home to study for next weeks tests. 

When Friday night finally rolled around the atmosphere was as I predicted. The whole school filled the gymnasium with their excited chatter and painted faces. Leon blows me a kiss seconds before the game begins, and like usual my squad and I put on a show on the side-lines as we perfectly go through our new routine, earning applauds and grins from the basketball team. Leon's eyes find mine more than once throughout the game. It's a close call with the opposing school, but as I'd predicted the Raccoon's win by two points ahead. As soon as the buzzer goes, everyone goes wild, clapping and jumping, the whole victory a shared experience, however my man finds me first, running to me and spinning me around as we kiss and laugh, both focused on each other. 

"I knew you'd win for us! You're so amazing!" I grin, but Leon shakes his head, setting me on my feet as he holds my waist. 

"It's because I had my gorgeous lucky charm cheering me on, I can do anything when I'm with you." Leon whispers, voice barely audible above the screams and shouts. I smile, heart fluttering and close to bursting from how much love I have for him. Afterwards Leon and I walk out of the school hand in hand, everyone's no doubt heading to the after party hosted by Chris and his little sister Claire, but Leon turns down the invitations, insisting he wants to finally spend time wit me instead. With a hand to his chest I ask if he's sure, but Leon's determined to be alone with me. With that we grab some fast food- which tastes amazing after all the hard work we've done tonight- then we sit in his Jeep under the stars, kissing and eating, talking about our future and being more in love than ever. 

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