Wedding Dress Wonders| Request

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Leon and I step into the bridal boutique, the tinkling bell above the door announcing our arrival. The shop is an oasis of white and cream, with racks of expensive gowns lining the walls and mirrors reflecting the soft light. Despite the old superstition about the groom not seeing the bride's dress before the wedding, I couldn't imagine shopping for my wedding dress without Leon. He was my best friend and the love of my life.

A cheerful assistant, with a tape measure draped around her neck and a bright smile approaches us. "Welcome! What's your budget for today?" She asks as I nervously glance at Leon, there was a reason we'd decided to leave the dress shopping until last.

I open my mouth to reply, but Leon steps forward, his hand gently pressing against my back reassuringly. "There isn't one," he said, his voice firm. "She can get anything she wants."

I turn to him, my eyes wide with surprise since this isn't the plan, we've been discussing budget and the leftover money for weeks leading up to this day, whilst it was enough for a pretty dress it definetly isn't enough for just any dress in this shop. "Leon, are you sure-"

He silences me with a searing kiss, making my heart flutter. "Absolutely," he whispers against my lips, "I've been secretly been saving up for you. Don't look at me like that, you know I'd do anything to make you happy, and if making sure you get your dream dress is what it means to see your smile, then I'll spend whatever I need to." With that he turns and sits down on a plush chair as the older assistants bring over drinks for him and begin chatting, mostly swooning over his romantic ways.

The main assistant leads me to a fitting room, where she takes my measurements whilst asking a few questions about the wedding in a couple of months. "You're so lucky, your man seems like a dream." She smiles at me as my eyes glance at the small gap in the curtain where I can see Leon laughing with the staff and waiting for me.

"He is. I can't wait to be married to him, though sometimes it feels like we already are." I reply, heart swelling with love. Once measured I go back out into the shop and scan the racks, searching for a style or design I like. The assistants help me pick out a few based on my preferences whilst Leon watches, every so often chirping up and pointing one out with an arched brow. I end up picking from a selection of five, so with that I begin to try them on and walk out to show them to Leon. The first time Leon's eyes widen as he grins, his ocean blue eyes scanning me from head to toe before we share a fond expression, it's all beginning to feel so real. The dress, however, isn't the one, so I move on to the other four. The next few dresses still don't feel right, I love them but they're not the visualisation I'd had when finding it. None make my eyes water and my mouth curve. I begin to lose hope, wondering if it's just me, until finally it comes down to the last dress...

Leon's POV:

I can see the way Y/N's getting stressed and underwhelmed with the dresses. To me she looks beautiful in all of them, but I guess it's different from her point of view. I glance out of the shop window, watching the people get on with their lives as I wait for future Mrs Kennedy to try on the last dress. I meant it when I said I'd pay anything for her, I've been taking on more missions just for the extra pay, my bank account has more zeros than a code, and whilst it's been worth it, I'm tired. Thankfully when we've sorted the wedding plans and got married we can go straight to our honeymoon- somewhere nice and hot, with lots of beaches and even more time to enjoy each other.

I hear the curtain pull across from the fitting room, earning my attention. My mind goes fucking blank at the sight of Y/N all in white, her smile wider than ever as she steps out and does a small spin, showing me the dress. My lips part in amazement, out of every impossible thing I've ever seen she's the most shocking. Shit, I'm so lucky to have this woman who somehow wants me back. I don't deserve her, but I'm keeping her anyway. "That's..." I lead off, standing up and slowly stepping towards her as she lifts her head to meet my gaze. I clear my throat, letting out a chuckle at my own loss of words, "I think that's the one, sweetheart." I murmur. Y/N nods, beaming brighter than ever as the ladies around us all smile and hold their breaths with excitement, I'm glad they're not jealous or weird about it.

My stunning wife- wife to be- steps onto her toes to whisper into my ear. I lean down, holding a hand on her waist as she giggles and tells me the price tag playfully, as if teasing me about my earlier words. I swallow, it's a lot, but I've got enough with money to spare. "Is that okay? I'll regret it forever if we leave this here, but then again it's only a dress-" Y/N begins, but I cut her off by pressing a finger to her lips.

"It's yours," I affirm, looking to the assistants who nod eagerly, "I can't wait to be married to you for the rest of my life, you're making me one very lucky man." I softly say. Y/N reaches up, cupping my jaw as she kisses me in a soft and lingering kiss. "It'll look good on the floor too, I don't mind splashing out on some lacy lingerie to go with it either, though I can't guarantee it'll be taken care of like the dress." I mumble quietly for only my woman to hear. She snorts, pushing me away but giving me a sly look as she goes to take off the dress. We wait for the assistants to wrap the dress and pack it up safely before I swipe my card without taking my eyes off of my wife.

By the time we exit the store, with Y/N skipping down the street ahead pointing to a cute café as I carry the damned heavy dress behind her, our excitement is palpable. Anticipation thrums through my veins at the countdown now almost everything is planned. It's now one day short of two months until I marry the love of my life, and I've never been more sure of anything. To share a name with her would be an honour.

"Hey Romeo," Y/N calls out, leaning against the car, "Coincidentally there's a store over there if you want to make your wildest dreams come true." She laughs, pointing a thumb across the street to a women's lingerie store. I grin from ear to ear, gently setting the dress in the backseat before passing Y/N my wallet.

"Surprise me, you always do." I murmur in reply.

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