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"Have you gone insane?" Briana questions the mental state of the man standing before her.
"Marry me? That's your question? After all this time that's all you have to say?"

Briana rambles as she becomes more irritated with Baki. He had no right to ask her such question.

"I see you're still upset...you never let me explain"Baki was also annoyed with this same situation but knew he caused her to be like this.

"Explain what? How you basically choose that bitch over ME!?"
"I DID NOT- I did not choose her over you, you left before I could explain" Baki shouts as he begins to speak as his pent up frustrations spilled out.

Baki hated how insecure Briana felt and how he played a role in it but he still felt like a victim in a way.

"If you hated me so much back then why did you fight her huh?, Binny" He asks causing Briana to ponder on the matter.

Why did she beat up Kozue? In her mind Baki was still hers and at the time she was still his in her heart.

"I don't know..." She mumbles in a soft tone.
"I guess I felt disrespected" She shrugs.

Baki scoffs at her answer knowing that shes lying, the Briana back then did give a fuck if people respected her more so that they feared her.

"Bullshit and you know it" Baki calls her out not buying it at all.

Briana's gaze shifted from him to the ground. "Look, you need to go and don't come back here or into my life" She crosses her arms shifting her weight on one side.

"Fine, you can have your fake new little life but I'll be here waiting to pick up the pieces" Baki says glancing up and down at Briana's figure.

She looked different in a way that he didn't like, she wasn't herself and he was prepared to bring the girl he fell in love with back.

Didn't forget about ya'll had to come thru.

LOYALTY - BAKI .HWhere stories live. Discover now