Chapter 24

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He tries to wait patiently for his drop off, but his patience was running thin. He can't wait forever. It hasn't even past the time fot the drop off, but he wants them as soon as possible. Ten more minutes. He'll wait ten more minutes than he'll chop someone's head out of rage.

The Dragon King watches his workers as they carry barrels, logs and other materials around his ship. He has accomplished much this year and there is no one that can stop him.

One lazy worker stops to take a rest which upsets the King.

"Why have you stopped? GET BACK TO WORK!," he commands slashing his bullhook in the direction of the man. The man whimpers and cowers under the attack but promptly gets back to work.

A group of his soldiers come to him carrying some intruders with them. One he recognises as his own.

"Drago!," Eret exclaims rather scared. He breaks free from a soldier's hold on him and hesitantly takes a step forward.

Drago Bludvist observes him and then glances at the young vikings behind Eret. There were five of them. Two females and three males. Four of them had blonde hair and blues while only one had black hair and dark brown eyes.

"I brought you new dragons. See. Just like I promised," Eret speaks trying to lighten the mood.

One of the dragons that is strapped down begins to wake up from its drowsy state. It is irritated. The red Monsteous Nightmare shakes his head, looks around and then tries to break free of its restraints. The soldiers struggle to contain the reptile and that's when Drago decides to step in.

He walks towards the dragon and the Nightmare snaps its attention to the man approaching him. He releases his lava-like breathe at the Dragon King. Drago anticipated the attack and uses his dragon scaled cloak to protect himself. When the dragon finishes his assault, Drago steps forward and roars. The dragon bows in submission. Knowing he has dominated the beast Drago places his foot atop the snout of the Nightmare.

"Hey!," Astrid protests.

"Hookfang!," Snoutlout desperately cries out.

Drago smiles evilly. "He belongs to the Alpha now."

Before he can turn his wrath onto Eret a dragon roar sounds. He, along with everyone else, turns to the sky. They see nothing, but every soldier knows who it is, as does Drago.

The boat rocks slightly and something unforseeable lands on the ship.

"Back so soon?," Dragon King acknowledges.

"If we would have known you had company we wouldn't have visited," Shadow Dragon speaks.

Dragon King laughs. Dragon Lord steps out from wherever he came and he smiles at the scene before him.

"New meat?," he questions.

Drago turns to his son and nods. "Maybe even new crewmen and cookers."

They group of young vikings cringe and they all shake their heads.

"As if," Astrid mutters. She knows they would rather die than work for someone as cruel as Drago Bludvist.

"We also have another vistor," Drago adds.

Draco looks at his father quizzically. What was he talkimg about?

"Very close...member," Drago explains farther.

"How are you Shadow?," Draco asks.

"Pretty good. I see you guys have your hands full."

The group of young adults and Eret glance at the two powerful men with worried and confused expressions on their faces. They have no idea what's going on.

"We don't get many vistors. This is actually a great surprise for us," Draco responds happily.

Shadow Dragon chuckles. How she loved Draco.

"Who are you?," Eret questions. When he asks he looks directly at Shadow Dragon.

Under her shadows and mask, Shadow Dragon smirks.

"This is going to be fun."

The shadows that always protected her identity now fall and they reveal and a female viking sitting atop a really large dragon. She keeps her mask on, not ready to truly reveal herself just yet.

"Wait isn't that Darkmoon?," Astrid asks.

The gang takes a closer peek at the dragon and they gasp in recognization. It is Darkmoon.

"Darkmoon what are you doing out here?," Eret questions taking a small step towards the hybrid. Darkmoon growls at Eret and he flinches back.

"Where's Sapphire Darkmoon?," Astrid wonders. "Is she in trouble?" The dragon growls at her and Astrid stares at the dragon in confusion. What happened to the kind Darkmoon she knew?

"She never really liked any of you. Especially, you." Shadow is referring to Eret. Its true Darkmoon hates Eret for being a trapper and breaking the heart of her rider.

Eret gasp. He finally figures it out.


The gang peers at him as if he were insane.

Sapphire takes of her mask revealing herself completely and confirming Eret's suspicions. She smirks at them and then nods to Drago and Draco. They nod back with wide evil grins on their faces.

Eret is speechless. He doesn't know what to say. He now knows what she's means when she said,"You were just a distraction I needed to get rid of." This is why.

But...why? Why would she do this? Why didn't she say anything?

He fumbles with the answers in his head and comes up with nothing logical. Why?

"Why?," she asks guessing his thoughts.

He glances at her and nods.

"Easy. Because I simply wanted to. Why wouldn't I. My mother died when I was young and all I had was my father. Then Drago came and told me who I really was when he visited. He told me I could have power and payback. Control over dragons. Revenge on the islands that destroyed my home," she explains.

"Wait I'm confused. What islands destroyed your home?," Eret puzzles.

"Yours and...Berk. Your chief declared war on my island and so did Berk. I was young than so my mother and I moved to your island I had no idea that I was freinds and fell in love with my enemy. So when Drago came and told me who my real father was and what really happened I was more than happy to join him. I want revenge and I will get. In time. If your lucky to escape, I get the honor of killing you myself. But for now Berk will perish."

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