Chapter 5

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"You did what?!," Valka shouts.

"I saw Eret again!," Sapphire yells back.

Sapphire has been staying out late and sneaking out at night just to be with Eret. She got caught once and Valka forbade her from ever seeing him again. Of course, being a young viking with stubborn issues, she continued to see him. However, Valka caught her again and this time flying away from Eret's ship. She thought Sapphire was rescuing some dragons and didn't think about it too much. But something deep down within her told her something else was going on.

"I told you to never go back and see that vile man!"

"You don't even know him, well enough to call him that!"

"I know enough about trappers like him. They care for nothing but making money," Valka says lowering her voice.

"He loves me and I love-" Sapphire is cut off. Valka's temper starts to rise again.

"Don't you dare say you love him! He doesn't love you! He is just using you to get to your dragon. Probably to get you to tell him where all the dragons are going!"

Sapphires starts shaking with anger. Her mom knew nothing about Eret and she is critisizing him without even willing to get to know him. The next few words that come out her mouth are very harsh.

"Your just jealous because at least there's someone out there who loves me! No one wants an old bag like you!" She regrets the words as soon as they come out.

Valka stares at Sapphire in horror. How could she say such a thing? This, however, is the last straw for Valka.

"You are no longer allowed ride Darkmoon. You will stay here at the sanctuary where I can keep an eye on you. I can't trust you right now."

"You can't take Darkmoon from me! She's my dragon and I found her before I came here anyway!," Sapphire argues.

"She belongs to the alpha," is all Valka says before walking away.

Sapphire slumps to the ground. She can feel her heart breaking. Her dragon's gone. Her mother's trust has vanished. Eret is no longer apart of her life.

Sapphire hugs her legs and begins to cry. Something she has done in over 14 years. Her dad always taught her that crying shows weakness and failure.

"Warriors never cry. They are strong and are built to handle anything. Never cry or you show how weak and little you are to others."

Right now, she does feel weak. She does feel little. She feels helpless. Sapphire wasn't prepared to get her dragon taken away. She can feel a part of her soul ripping away. Her heart breaking. She cries harder and hates herself more.

And Valka. How dare she take away her best friend. Her friend who she found before Valka even found them. Darkmoon means the world to Sapphire and Valka knows that. Which is why she took her away.

"She belongs to the alpha." This repeats in Sapphire's head while she cries. Eventually she cries herself to sleep.


It's been two weeks since Sapphire has had her dragon taken from her. Valka watches her constantly, and when she can't do it herself she has the dragons do it.

The dragons don't let Sapphire out of their sight either. When she tries to leave the sanctaury by another dragon, the dragon won't fly. If she tries leaving by foot they close all exits.

Sapphire starts feeling trapped. She wants to get away. For a little while. Go to another island. Hang out with other vikings. Well, at least an island that allows dragons.

"That's it. I'm out of here," Sapphire thinks to herself.

Later in the night, she quietly packs a bag with extra clothes and some food. She grabs Darkmoon's saddle and decends deeper into the sanctuary.

All around her are sleeping dragons, even the scuttleclaws (baby dragons) are asleep. She spots Darkmoon and walks to her. Gently she strokes her dragon awake.

When Darkmoon opens her eyes she is elated to see her rider after two miserable weeks.

Darkmoon was kept busy all the time to ensure that she doesn't she Sapphire. There were even times when Valka couldn't even get the hybrid to get up.

"I know you miss her. But, it's for the best. For now," Valka would say. The dragon would do nothing but grunt in disagreement and curl up.

But now that she is seeing her rider again she is willing to go anywhere and do anything for her. She senses Sapphire's intentions and purrs in agreement.

"We're leaving, but only for a little awhile," Sapphire tells her best friend. Sapphire puts the saddle on Darkmoon and attches her things to it. Then she mounts the great hybrid and they silently fly out of the sanctuary.

Unforunately, there is a storm out and the winds are blowing awfully hard. This doesn't stop the duo as the continue to soar through the air. As they fly farther from home and the winds are beginning to thrash them around. They spiral out of control and crash land onto an island on a beach.

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